
I will be the first to defend her book. It was awesome and honest on a level that I don't think you see very often. I'm sure her rape wasn't easy to write about.

Fucking Breitbart.

I'm a black woman. I worked for a man who was a raging racist and misogynist (and homophobe but I'm straight so I saw it but didn't experience it). I'm talking a man who openly talked about how women were less good at math, because biology. A man who turned to me and told me that he almost didn't hire me not because

Writers also regularly talk about what happens in the room — what jokes get cut, the inspiration for storylines, inter-group dynamics. I mean, there are podcasts that basically exist to bring people on to do just that. And other Newsroom writers have discussed the room publicly.

Why would a writer's room be different than anything else then? It's not like a TV writer's room is actually sacred. It wasn't like she leaked personal information outside of her getting yelled at.

I'm sure his next show will be about a brave, intelligent tv and film writer who attempts to nobly tell it like it is with his scripts while being beset on all sides by shrewish, ungrateful women, one of whom is named "Schmalena Schmith."

ETA: He can call the show "Penis Mightier Than the Sword."

I sort of enjoyed the ham-fisted nature of the first season. That was actually kind of adorable.

And there is only ONE. GORRAM. SLOANE.

I've seen so much unpleasant male naked flesh in social situations and I think it's time to get my own back!

jezzie dolls put together a gofundme to get me tickets and i cried and now i am going and i am going by myself, and i keep getting nervous about that, and then i remember i am not really alone, my bff taylor is just busy being up on stage, is all.

I love Demi but, as much as she talks up Wilmer, I just don't buy that he is a decent person. Every other sign points to douchebag. In fact, dating the girl who's struggling to stay on track and being her "rock" seems like manipulative asshole 101. I just want her to be happy, which maybe he contributes to. But every

She stole the show in that skit. SOMEBODY GIVE THAT WOMAN A MOVIE!

Mackinnon's Bieber impression is Oscar-worthy. Just unbelievably good.

I thought that was really Justin Bieber for a sec

So what you're telling me is that it's on par with Subway, Chipolte's, Panera, Zaxby's or any number of other second-tier fast food places that don't pay their employees $15 bucks an hour. People have been paying more for fast food for over a decade now. It's disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

A restraurant that pays decent wages, and hasn't gone out of business?

You seem to be confusing Iggy with someone else. She is white. Even if she was claiming aboriginal heritage, she is not 'visibly aboriginal'. She has none of our indigenous features. At all.

Regarding 2, it makes me so sad that he was trying to tell her she had worth beyond what men thought of her, yet her mother has turned her entire career into people focusing on her body. How different her life would have been had her father survived! She may have become a proper celebrity stylist like she was

i love them for that reason. they're very raw. they're honest and intelligent and see through people's bullshit but they're dumb about being honest and intelligent and see through people's bullshit

"George Bush doesn't care about Black people" or "It ain't Ralph tho" wouldnt have happened with that rough draft.

can't stop laughing at "Igloo Australia"