Sara Bloom

I like a romaine lettuce salad. Don’t care what anyone thinks. Hate I can’t have it now, didn’t throw out what I had either. I ate it all, three heads altogether haha. If anyone doesn’t eat lettuce that’s fine with me. I agree iceberg lettuce is ca-rap though. Had to eat that today. Lousy stuff, similar to eating wet

Uh oh focus groups say they’re getting bored and thinking about tuning out. Hey get Santorum on here. We'll talk about climate change.

Squirrels digging up some nuts they buried in there?

Blah. It was just an autocorrect fail and Trump is a dumbass. Why? Because he keeps using Twitter like a pre-teen girl. Next, the day he walks out to the podium without pants. Yes it will happen eventually. You know it will.

No don’t call them terrorists, those rascals with pipe bombs and a rocket launcher. They’re just a rowdy bunch of ordinary people who like to party hearty. Isn't that the way we’re supposed to see them? Kinda like overgrown brats? What can ya do, right? Blah.

What a stupid, stupid man.

Mouth breather with shifty eyes and a thick skull. 

Mr. Talkie is always making demands.

Guy doesn't seem bright enough to be a stand in for Attorney General. But hey, he's a yes-man for everything Trump so I guess that's what really counts.

Wait a minute. The aide put her hand out and assaulted Acosta who was only asking questions. In any court in the land you try and grab someone else’s property like that, you’ll see how unforgiving the judge will be. In Trumpy Lawless World, anyone who bows down to Lord Don gets a free pass and the victim is punished.

It’s not the outfit, it’s the goof wearing it makes it look like stupid upholstery.

Last time I let someone scare me the way Trumpy scares his base, was when I was in second grade and a couple of kids got all panicky over some cracks in the ceiling. The ceiling never fell and we all looked like idiots. You can’t have immature buttheads like this calling the shots, ever.

People of America. I Donald Trump deign to say I was treated nicely by the residents of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I actually expected much less, that’s why I find it expedient to make this proclamation. As I watched Melania put rocks on the crosses to affirm our support for the Jewish Faith, I realized what a great

Looks like a sewer vent.  He should sit on it.

They dropped too much LSD in college then found religion shortly after graduation.

I know the type, but is the author saying he also has a high squeaky voice? Just say yes or no. No need to explain further, I spent a year or two listening to talk radio so I get what the content will be.

This is the adult son of the President of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.

My thought is Trump the Manipulator had his right hand man Steven Miller write the Op-ed. Why? He’s a whacked-out, sadistic, mean-spirited, petty bastard who is known to do things like that because he likes to surprise people.

Ah forget the 25th amendment. Just tie him to his desk. If he starts dragging the desk around, nail it down. Just keep him out of the public eye. No one will mind, maybe the guy who has to feed him, but the rest of the country will continue to go on about its business. We’ll forget he’s even there. Maybe remind the

Well now he can fart full time without his job getting in the way. Seems he would rather do that anyway.