Sara Bloom

I see it this way, because it is so oft stated that if you have to know how much it costs you shouldn’t be eating there.

Blah. China now. Media commentators are tying themselves in knots wondering what’s the strategy behind this. He’s nuts, his strategy is whatever makes stupid sense to his addled brain. 

This will be our final debate between Candidate Elizabeth Warren and Vice-President Mike Pence. Let that sink in.

He’s not concerned, because if dumbasses elected him president, those same dumbasses will defend him no matter what. Yes he depends upon you, dumbasses, because you are dumbasses.

She is our anger.

Boo hoo. I want my swag. Here, you can have your food back.

Sorry Don. It’s the Nobel Peace Prize, not the Global Putz Prize. Therefore you don’t deserve one.

“Here's a twenty. Be a good boy and forget I said that."

If Ben wants to know what Kav’s junk looks like, just take him out for some beer. Once he gets drunk enough he'll pull it out for him.

Coup d’etat.

Ah he's always yelling about something. Who listens anymore.

To Steve King, any attention is attention.

That's right Dumpy. You have no business telling someone else they have a weight problem.

In any case, good riddance.

After asking how bad will this make him look, Don said, "Well at least we had a nice day on the course."

It’s not going to get better without. The people need a sense that someone is there besides a con man and some empty suits. We see our government being controlled by an old nut and his band of misfits. We aren't blind.

That BS is so familiar to me because it made its rounds regularly, in church Bible studies for the 25 years I attended. Probably was going on long before that. When the speaker or one of the members began harping on socialism like that it drove me nuts, because my grandfather was a socialist from Lithuania. Dammit. It

All I can say is: Ick! That picture! 

Are you trying to explain the use of buzzwords President Donnie Half-wit?

It’s called Oppo Research. Oh how cool I sound. A lot of people don’t know it’s called that.”