
Omg you guys... My kitty has a panda tail!!! I can’t believe I hadn’t realized this sooner. I thought it was more bunnyish, but now I realize that I WAS SO WRONG. Her name is Phryne Fisher and I included a face pic too because how could I not?! Sorry the pics are blurry, my sleeping pill already kicked in.

Difference is, in Oregon, everyone is vote by mail. You just get ballot in the mail, and there’s no polling place to go to.

Someone needs to sit me down and explain it to me, too. I don’t get it. I don’t think Killer Mike said anything wrong. I don’t think Bernie said anything wrong. And like, yeah he’s an old white man, and we’ve had a lot of old white men. Hillary would be different, because she’s an old white woman. Technically Bernie

wow. yes. seriously. i am so glad someone finally said this

Ouch! That’s one for the Bern Book (says the over-50 unapologetic feminist who will unapologetically vote for Bernie Sanders)!

This definitely exemplifies the split between kind of the “old guard” feminism and “new wave” feminism. Because of the work people like Steinem and Albright have done and the progress made because of it, women today have the luxury of not necessarily needing to prioritize “women’s issues” above larger ones. It must be

I think the messaging needs to change for some of these older feminists.

This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.

And many of them work pretty hard. I guess you have something against people based on where they live and what they do.

Fair enough. I think I read too much into the “saintly tolerance” and “delusional thinking” lines.

There seems to be an assumption that since Scully is a doctor (i.e. “good girl”) that she wouldn’t have casual sex. We know next to nothing about Scully’s sexual history, so why assume that she wouldn’t?

I don’t think that having sex with someone and being a cool, loyal person who gets to do awesome science are mutually exclusive! I’m not saying Scully was motivated to stay on the X-Files because they were sleeping together. I’m saying that she was more forgiving of Mulder’s obnoxious behavior because they were

Or “Duchovny”.

Her voice reminds me of the 2000's... Not the musical style, but specifically her vocal sound and even her accent feel dated in 2016. Is that a weird thing to say? Ella... ella... ella....

It’s a solid 3.5/5. Overall, a lot of fanfare for an album that will peak at #2 and will be forgotten about three months from now.

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.