
I understand the wariness of a white cis-het male being so frequently feminist, but feminism does demand that good allies go and make non-feminist spaces feminist, and Matt seems to at least be doing that on an internet space level... so ultimately, I don’t see how there can then be a complaint, except if it’s to say

I’m not ready to be skeptical of everybody who seems like they care, so I still like Matt McGorry.

I’m sure all the commenters are gonna go on about how Matt is “starting to weird them out” as they always do when he comes up, but chill!

Celebrating, obviously.

Fargo season 1 was really, really good. How, HOW did they make season 2 even better? Just, what? Has that even ever happened?

Silly me. My husband and I (both hunting and gun-possessing citizens whose weapons were all legally purchased and are securely stored) just watched this and agreed with the vast majority Obama talked about. And I was remarking how I thought Obama did a really good job of reassuring people what these changes DIDN’T

I didn’t drink until I was 25 and I have been making up for lost time. I recently had my first proper British night out, in that I got pissed, did a wee in a hedge, and then ate fast food. It was McDonalds rather than a kebab but it still felt like a rite of passage.

I am one of nature’s eternally cold people so I am always wrapped up warm but I used to see girls around campus wearing shorts and no tights in winter. I assumed they’d come to uni from somewhere up country (it is a stereotype that northern girls don’t feel the cold) but then a few weeks ago I saw a binman loading up

I love Bernie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think Hillary is the bigger redneck. Just listen to her when she drawls every time she’s in a Southern church. It’s magic! She’s so authentic!

RIP!!! Bonus flick of my tía showin off her green card

Oh, man. I’m sorry. Your story is sad but funny at the same time, and I must say I laughed out loud. I really liked the way you told it.

When I was a baby my parents bought a black cat and named him Max. He wasn’t very friendly and was very independent (and would often disappear for over a week doing god knows what) but as a small child I still considered him mine. When I was 5 I came home from Kindergarten one day (I walked home which I’m pretty sure

My mom told me that if I didn’t make my bed, brown recluse spiders would burrow into my warm sheets and bite my toes. Then I’d need my foot amputated.

So I was used to my father by the time I heard this, but I got to see an entire tour bus of 5th graders get punked, so I’m using it anyway:

so did your mom believe it to or was she like, “HA! SEE?! Just half naked college students!”

My brother told me that “fly-fishing” was when you rented a helicopter and flew over a river with your fishing line hanging down from the helicopter into the river.