
Now maybe in a city cats live longer but out in the suburbs and the country cats do just fine living outside.

I agree, it baffles me why people act like cats shouldn’t be allowed to do cat things. I remember when I took my new cat’s to a vet after we adopted them and the nurse asked, “So when would you like to have them de-clawed?”

I think we can all agree there is a big difference between killing another player in a game vs. threatening to track someone down an physically assault them in real life.

Please, once you sign up to be on TV you lose all of my sympathy. If you wanted more control over your home then you sign up for another less TV oriented reality office. Or you know, maybe do some research yourself on the neighborhood you are buying in. Magnolia Reality’s job is to find a house that fits a

True, my wording with my example is a little inadequate. A quick Wiki of “Anti-crime unit” tells me that this unit is specifically geared towards undercover operations with the intent of catching criminals in the act of committing a crime as apposed to uniformed police officers who’s visible presence on the streets

That’s like asking if all farmers grow food, the short answer is “yes” but it’s more complicated. There’s crime prevention but there is also police officers that work specifically on traffic violations, police that patrol to prevent crimes, police that gather evidence to prosecute crimes and police that guard public

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Here is a good video about how the War on Drugs has failed on its promises, failed the people it was suppose to help and failed to address the fundamental issues behind America’s drug problem.

Like Lauren said, like anything worthwhile practicing it takes effort and time.

I learned a few years a go that my Grandfather is the Godfather of Skunk execution in Maine.

As a Christian I never understood this view point myself for many reasons.

As someone with no drug experience other than prescription drugs for removing wisdom teeth and a hobby of self hypnosis, does anyone know of what would happen if you tried hypnotism while under the influence of mind altering drugs?

I would not mind seeing this in my children’s text book one day.

Hahahaha, oh man. What did people expect, to abuse the system and bare no consequences? I have no sympathy for anyone whining about how unfair Niantic is. Its a game, either play it or don’t.

I am not sold on this one bit. My big problem with Destiny was the lack of progress. Nothing ever changed! You still went to the same areas with the same baddies with a few from other areas added for spice on story missions but by and large nothing changed. I killed the Taken King, the Dreadnought is still full of

I call shenanigans on this completely ridiculous argument that the characters in my video games some how have an existence beyond their programmed roles. There is no evidence of a code or sequence of code out there that can make be believe for second that the entities in games are even close to being aware on any

*Sigh* If I must pick one over the other I suppose I will have to go with jail.

Alright I’m going to say my piece, which I know I only have a slim change of actually being read. As a Christian I believe every life is sacred. Harassing   people outside of a clinic is not how you stop abortions however. It makes you look like a small minded bigot and evil. How you stop abortions is you offer

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This is a nice informative video about the war and it’s failings for those interested in more information on the topic.

The only thing that could get me to vote faster for this guy would be if he promised to put Christie into a dunk tank like a carnival game. Even if he charged $10 per throw I would be there all day.

Well that’s part of the problem too isn’t? The whole country is lacking many areas. Crime prevention and prosecution is lacking, jobs are lacking, stimulus for innovation and expansion is lacking. There’s more but the point is that instead of pointing fingers about how America treats Mexicans, the Mexican government