
“Mr. Baseball is a baseball historian and fan,” but not, evidently, a writer. However, a person who cannot write teaching “advanced dialectical history” certainly seems plausible. But seriously, is this supposed to be a parody of some specific baseball writer?

Well, it is medieval knights in space based not he work of the fourth rate Joseph Campbell. The best thing about Star Wars is Space Balls.

It does make sense, though. Now he that is safely ensconced at the worldwide leader, he has to present a bourgeoisie sensibility, and I wouldn’t doubt the sincerity of his conversion either. Football players make nice money, but Ray seems astute enough to now where the real money and power resides.

Once again, you fail with words.

A Kardashian gif, a stunning riposte. The nearly immovable countenance of Kim is trying to express something, of that I have no doubt. Still, the inability to do anything except slightly nod and open her eyes leaves one clamoring for an arched eyebrow, a frown, a wry smile, or indeed, anything that could be construed

Calm myself? For writing a response? But I guess that is your go to rhetorical move, as you just used it in your post I responded to as well. And “any of that other shit?” It is only my experience, but usually the person using profanities is the one losing their temper, so heal thyself physician.

Chait is a complete hack. Do you read him? After a few columns, you don’t need to anymore as once you know the topic, you know exactly what he will say. Charter schools = good. centrist democrats = good.

So Erin Ryan thinks the bank bailout was worth it because some clerks didn’t lose their jobs? All those clerks at Goldman Sacks? And really, that is your argument?

I love “The Proposition.” It is a brutal film though, but the Western Clint Eastwood wishes he could make.

I would not want to be the first Russian that ISIS captures alive.

Yoko Ono seems confused about the difference between planets and stars.

It is an amazing pair.

So not Dwarves and Hobbits then?

Haha, Edward Gibbon, only the most famous British historian ever, call the revolution a “criminal enterprise.” Are you not labeling these men as criminals? How do you think they viewed the Boston Tea Party? My goodness, what an inexcusable destruction of private property? Or was that okay because it was the

When property damage is your utmost concern, yes.

Ahh, the values of the petite bourgeoisie. So many contain a little fascist just itching to get out.

And lots of people are effectively killed by the system in place as it is today, but just so long as you, good sir, are comfortable, then we shouldn’t have riots. This country gained its freedom in a war, and you’re consul to the Jefferson, Adam, Washington, etc, would be to just puts down those weapons, eh? No good

How do you know they have not done those things already? I bet many of them have tried. One of the most annoying things about this is seeing all the liberal bourgeoisie whine and complain about rioting. “Ah yes, you are poor, disenfranchised, and forced to work ever longer for ever less, but there are forms you can

Yes, historically the petite bourgeoisie try to emulate the values and system of the high bourgeoisie and capitalists. And probably what attracted the mobs attention is exactly the kind of obnoxious hypocrisy commonly displaced by that class, which judging from the comments of the owners, is in full effect with these

Emmitt Smith: “Draw, I establashted ‘triumphalist’ as word years ago.”