
What do you mean “incorrect?” You are agreeing with me that he is not a nihilist. It’s certainly not a “higher order” morality, the hierarchy of morals and their origin is what he spends most of his time critiquing. The Superman of Nietzsche is not possible, which, of course, he knew, and he uses the “Superman” as a

This is the problem with comic book readers. You think Nietzsche is a nihilist when we was fighting what he saw as nihilism in European culture. It’s a rather college freshman grasp of Nietzsche.

Is Drew Magary over yet?

I think Kardashian and Trump both ably demonstrate intelligence has nothing to do with obtaining money.

Nah, Jar-Jar was supposed to be a cute character for kids. Tree Trunks is definitely supposed to be deliberately irritating.


You’re right it is dangerous, which is exactly why idiots like you shouldn’t be allowed to claim that slavery was not the paramount issue. It was and it was frequently cited by those supporting the succession as the main reason, not just A reason, but the central and most important reason. Take you revisionism and

It is not a harmless object. It is routinely used by white supremacist groups in the US as a symbol, and, of course, it represents the fight to keep people enslaved on the basis of race. Stop with your ignorance or stupidity, whichever it may be. That you want to be associated with such a symbol, that you want to keep

This is not really true and a gross over simplification, but I guess that is where we are when we look to comedians for insight.

While it’s good that she was able to expose this, let’s hold off on making a hero of someone who loves Mao, Stalin, and thinks James Foley wasn’t really murdered.

Right? It annoyed me as well, but then the person doubled down on it instead of just saying, ‘yeah, that wasn’t what I meant” or something like that.

But since you are someone who evidently loves to speak in absolutes and hyperbole, fuck you for being an idiot.

Really? No way? Because the rest of the Rachel Dolezal story happens everyday.

“Something has happened” that most utterly meaning words to type. Paint it however you want, you are still saying you hope a child has been abused. I’d much rather hope this lying nutcase fabricated another story and the child never suffered the horrors of abuse.

You hope the allegations are true? Really? You hope a child was actually abused? That’s messed up.

Because black people have some magical ability to always parse the truth of the matter? Is that it? They are magical truth creatures?

“I’m saying is: I’m very good at telling if someone is black or has a black parent and this woman does not look black to me.” -hahaha, this has to be the dumbest sentences I’ll read on the gawker sites today.

Although I might argue that what keeps it from being a “hot take” is that the language is mellow: “I’d posit” admits you can reasonably disagree. A true hot take needs a does of hyperbole.

So I’m not supposed to watch this?

I might have to go back to bed, because how does the day get better after this?