
Already being done using Infrared, without the hassle of setting up a huge wifi array, and much more interference proof than the crowded 2.4 Ghz band.

That's completely the same as using wifi as a detector, instead of some more bio-eletrically reliable signal like, I don't know, Infrared...

That's like trying to detect the location of someone in a pool based on the flow of the water, it MAY work OK if you have tons of detectors (like 34 as mentioned here), but it all falls apart when you have more than one target you could not tell the disturbance from one person to that from another. So as long as the

That's 7%, I am pretty sure I lived in a town somewhere where there's 7% a-holes around, not all of them burglars though, so how about 10 million, feel better now?

And I am 100% sure it's less than $4/lb...

Love the stock photo choice, although it's a stretch on the relevance, the photo is more exciting than the new...

You give mergers WAYYYYY too much credit, if petabytes of data analysis is run, we wouldn't have AOL->Time Warner merger or Skype->eBay merger, or Sprint ->Nextel merger, or whole bunch of other silly business faux pars. That part of the work is not FCC's business anyway, it's that intangible part FCC is deciding on,

Dude, listening to a chick living in NY city talking about grilling is like listening to a blind redneck talking about the color choices in the latest fashion, in another word, take it with a HUGE GRAIN of SALT...

Blame your carrier, not the netflix.

Works great on the N1 on T-mobile as well, it doesn't really take all that much bandwidth to stream to a mobile phone, I have been really happy with T-mobile 3G/4G service. That is where I can get coverage, I have been happy.

Low energy density, with a lot of spare chemicals for depletion, low current operation, it might have lost 80% of its capacity by now, but you never know because it never had to operate to anywhere close to its peak capacity.

It's a clear sign Mark still has a lot to learn regarding PR in general. Maybe a few lessons from Jobs will do him good. What positive effect his claim can possibly have aside from pissing off parents and schools alike, it's not like people are going to all of sudden realize their kids are missing out because Mark

I am of the opinion, tweeting is working against building the learning habit required for the kids to be productive members of the society by instead developing a crappy alternative to the basic skills required to be successful in an adult life outside of internet and their cellular phones.

My thinking is all the tweets in classrooms are going to further distract the kids from the topic under discussion. Allowing tweet in class is only going to serve to enable them to further hide in the "shell" to a point where even the "normal" kids are more readily rely on casual typing of random messages instead of

My life did not improve after school, college was the best days of my life so far, that pressure to perform, juggle multiple things at the same time, etc, etc, only increased after I got my job, and then got promoted through the ranks.

I think a point missing from your discussion and example here is if Bob, like you described, need to be able to be functional in a real world, where he needs to learn to break out of his Twitter shell and enhance his verbal skills instead of relying on a crutch to participate in a environment as benign as a classroom.

OK, maybe here's a more appropriate simile. "Telling kids that microblogging is an acceptable replacement for human, vocal discourse is like telling dance school students that they can go jogging instead of practice their steps because they find it is much easier to do the former than the latter." The point is,

If your teacher is an a-hole, how does tweeting prevent from him just clobber you in a tweet in front of the entire class, that's a sorry excuse for not wanting to ask questions. And I tell you what, there is such a thing as a "stupid question", because many people don't have the brain to think and absorb what was

This is absolutely preposterous. Speech and verbal expression is an efficient method and an important skill of communication when people are in close proximity, encouraging random typing during class is further retarding a key skill needed for "normal" interactions that occur in real life.

Apple test their laptop too, don't they, but they still end up yellow after use, and then there's the antenna issue on the iPhone, etc. Yes, I think responsible companies test their product to the best of their ability (and somtimes they don't, and Apple is not immune from that) hoping to root out problems down the