
And you have evidence that a PR photo shown to the press like this is a unit that has gone through an accelerated life testing like you mentioned. If all of what you described is possible, but to state with such certainty and faith just borderlines blind fanboyism.

Can I borrow you Deloren after your trip to the future to confirm the new paint process is superior?

But F22 is an air supriority fighter, no?

I would call it a speech impairment and sue the damned dentist!!

Correction, UAV's have been doing well in Iraq and Afgahnistan because they have been used against fixed or slow moving ground targets from long distances... Rule of engagement, rules of engagement...

No tweet? No coolness...

Maybe the much sparser device density per cell tower has something to do with it...

Oxygen level is NOT the problem, jet planes flies way higher than everest and still operate their engine fine. The issue is the vertical lift vs. air density and efficiency achievable with a combustion engine without the benefit of aerofoil and forward velocity for lift. But that's not the issue here, people need to

Dood, I said 10% of the way up, not all the way up as I am pretty sure that's where I'd be spent and calling it quits. But seriously, I'd still take all my communication devices, satellite phones, radios, paper cups, whatever, just in case I get in trouble and need help, that's all I am saying...

Reason for LCD defects: a few millions of transistors in plain sight in which any defect is visually detetable by a normal user wth naked eye. You think those nanometer size transister in processor don't go bad during manufacturing? Do you know for sure? But can you tell the difference if they just by pass the bad

Not that you know of...

If I was climbing mount everest, I take a cell phone too, just in case I need that chopper to pick me up about 10% the way up and I happen to get a cell signal, which apparently you do. man I pack all the cell phone I have, and a satellite phone!!

Or just fly slower and lower.

As someone who actively designed a current generation UAV, I can tell you the biggest challenge with a fast flying, remote controlled air craft is that the latency in the control link combined with high velocity creates a particular problematic situation. You can't shoot without knowing what you're shooting for sure,

Well, I guess you shouldn't ask about the price tag of an aircraft carriers with 20-30 attached air wing sqradons, but we still have tens of these around.

Just what is wrong with a slide out keyboard?! You get better QWERTY keys and bigger numerica keypad on screen, best of both worlds with a slide out QWERTY. A blackberry style keyboard with a large screen is a FAIL.

The latest desktop version of the monster GPU's chew upwards of 200-300 watts of power, so heck, in a small enclosure like the iMac, the box will be overheating everyday. There's a reason those gaming PC's come with what seems like a fleet of cooling fans and sound like a small jet taking off.

It's pathetic that a plug for the new iMac's graphics card has to be presented in a graphics benchmark on a windows game!

CUDA is HUGE for texel processing, high precision floating point calculation in parallel is what GPU's are designed to do. The latest generation of the GTX chips has a couple hundred of those processing units in parallel compared to the few puny processing units in the even most powerful Sandy Bridge X86 i7

So you are recommending the US to sacrifice the tactical secrecy and on top of that waste more money to write a report for a no body like you? Believe it or not, no one is accountable for you, get over it.