
SOME people actually send the photo out of the phone to something called a computer with very large screens called a monitor, and sometimes those photos get printed on a sheet of magical paper that shows pictures in very high resolution, just a thought.

No worse than all the morons running around with wrongly written Chinese characters tatooed on their bodies, really.

No straight sex is allowed for normal people, not priest, but homosexuality is a sin by religious definition, the fact the priest enjoys gay porn means that he's that much more of a hyporite, like being a murderer and a priest at the same time. Not to say I buy into all the religious stuff, but if I was I don't want

Maybe it's just me, I still don't want my priest to enjoy gay porn, or be a hypocrite in the first place.

Umm... ever heard of a computer program called "PHOTOSHOP"? Check it out sometimes.

I have plenty of artistic abilty (in fact my painting were on exhibit at the city art museum during my youth), but believing the commercial is a mistake. While I draw pretty well with my hand resting on the working surface, drawing with suspended hand like the way it shows in the commerical reduces my artistic skill

Maybe they were just bad at math.

When MS Courier was cancelled, I cursed out loud on MS missing one of the best idea it had in years.

Bingo, metric based measurement is always suscuptible to gaming, that's the whole point. I was talking to the CFO of a company over operation efficiency and he mentioned what's a good measure of productivity, and I gave a cop-out answer of it's difficult to measure dependong on the project and the personnel involved.

While I understand the relevance with Rick S. on homosexuality, how does that apply in the case of Kyle W on motherhood?

Here's a visual for ya, except the female part.

Sure if you think like that.

Tie Bieber, not sure it's all that appealing.

Ummmmm, Condescending, huh?

Yeah, that fish pieced the hull of that sub the same way peanut butter pieced two piece of bread in a PB&J Sandwich.

OK quarterly dividend vs. annual, but that really doesn't change the point I was making, a truly innovative company believe it can generate values for investors by investing in new product and gaining more sales, which in term boosts share price. Paying dividend is all fine and dandy. But stock buyback means the

Many trust fund baby will disagree with your assessment! Using your example, if you have 10 million invested in apple at an average of $500/share, let's say, and you leave that investment as your "nest egg", that gives you 20000 shares at 2.65, that's $53000 in dividends per quarter, if you buy additional shares with

There's also several fundamental reasons why network provider is not encourage to provide the true status.

In a packet switch network, there is no actual concept of channels, in 1G amps system, sure, a users gets a reserved channel (in time slots) until he hands up. But in a packet switch network, the network is allowed to authorize for instance 100 1mbps connection (channels) on a 10mbps backhaul network, under the

It's the classic way of playing to the Wall Street crowd. Stock buybacks gooses short term demand which put upward momentum on stock price, and paying dividends (in this case less than 0.5%!!) is another small incentive to give that stock price another kick. It's normally a sign a company is trying to manage cash