What is 4G? By spec, it should be better than your good old cable modem connection from Comcast or Time Warner. By that measure, all of the wireless carriers are liars and cheaters anyway.
What is 4G? By spec, it should be better than your good old cable modem connection from Comcast or Time Warner. By that measure, all of the wireless carriers are liars and cheaters anyway.
Again, welcome to the world of packet switching network.
Never going to happen, by peanut buttering the price, ATT get the same price for the 300kb/s EDGE connection on that text email as the 15mbps video stream off netflix for any given network usage time which is their "fixed cost".
What people fail to understand is the fact that "signal bars" are just a power detection of the administration channel between the cell tower and the hand set. Without actually trying to establish an real data connection, there is no way a phone can tell if there are adequate bandwidth left on the tower to carry out…
Pico cell agreemnt with the transit authority.
T-mo's coverage sucks outside of urban areas but where it has coverage and connection quality is leaps and bounds better than ATT. I have a personal line on T-mo and a work phone on ATT. I get 2.5 mbps constantly when I get T-mob coverage. Most places that has 4G is a 4 to 5 bar area and has speed on average 4-6…
Great, the home button in the iPad irritates me as well, the ASUS transformer works great and give me more control over what's run and what's shutdown (maybe just an illusion of control, but it works). I didn't buy the silly keyboard attachment which defeats the purpose of a tablet in my mind, but the transformer…
Maybe someone should invent an iPad pouch with a TP pocket instead.
Upgrade a smart TV every 3-4 year makes perfect sense —> FOR THE TV MAKERS. You can't ignore the fact that a lot of people choose TV based on SCREEN SIZE and RESOLUTION (some may be on 3D features, I sure don't, not yet). SW feature generally go with a little box you hook up to the said screen, not inside of it…
I know what will get me to buy an iPad? A way to just copy my media over without using the blasted iTunes!
BATHROOM TV!! I shudder just thinking about it! The image of a TV in front of a toilet is comical and pathetic at the same time.
Not going to happen, I have my 55 inch LCD TV for 5 years now. During that time, I have had 3 smart phone upgrades, each blowing the doors off the previous model. I have yet to see a compelling reason to replace my TVs, even the 32 inch 720P sets does just fine for general purpose material. It doesn't matter how…
No, I'd still prefer a HTPC, because I am willing to replace an HTPC every 2-3 year, but not a 65 inch LCD just because the damned processor is too out dated to run whatever OS I chose to load. And don't even make me mention how I can have kicking graphics cards for like $100 in a HTPC. You can leave all the smarts…
I think you really meant Mr. Franklin, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Madison, Mr. Phase and Mr. Wilson. Not sure the senators recognize anything below Mr. Franklin in their daily dealings, their interns get their coffee. And don't worry, it's only a temprorary set-back for these fine gents. They're just hoping…
Actually, that's a common misconception. As a long time republican, I can clearly inform you, you can't have big businesses along with small governments, big business + big government they tend to go hand in hand.
OK, we're talking in circles, you want a camera with a through the lens view finder, that's the definition of a SLR. I don't know how you can get an accurate through the lens view without a mirror, you can't have the cake and eat it too, not yet, unless someone figures out a way to bend the light more efficiently…
Having had the chance to work with "Classified" data from government sources, you are NOT remotely implying that even to a few magnitudes of scale of a similarity between what could happen if some secrets of the government gets in the wrong hand vs. an "Apple" version of a secret. I know Apple warshipping is…
Nothing wrong with having someone's head dead center in the frame. Have seen a great number of close up portrait shots with someone's head dead in the center of the frame with excellent results. If one has to stick to a set of rules to create a good image, that's already a deadend. Rule of three is like training…
OK, uncle, you win. If I am so lazy and unbothered by perfection as to carry a mirrorless dSLR wannabe, what are my chances of being able to do the aperture distance thing in my head and correctly set it? Even L lenses don't have full scale these days anymore, next thing you will tell me to carry an IR distance tool…
Do you mean you need the cord to find the mouse or your GF needs the mouse cord to find you? Cuz, need a mouse cord to find you is a WIN!!