
That's all they are good for anyway...

People need to chill, it's nuting more than a speculation and a joke to get more eye balls, which succeeded extremely well by the looks of it.

Completely agree, I groan everytime I hunt around the mount of different ribbons just to find something used to be straight forward like inserting a table of contents under the menu bar, now I have to search for the Reference ribbon and then hunt for the table of content icon, etc. Re-structuring minds already set to

So with all this data and analysis, it is telling us people tend to send more messages to someone whom they have strong opinions against (good or bad), what a shocker?! Bring in the Nobel please.

@F2.8: Being a fine photographer is about content, not the tool. And transcending beyond the tool to the actual content is a required step in becoming a true photographer.

@vinod1978: What planet are you from? No paid app should be trying to make money both from advertiser and regular consumers? How about all Apps makes money from advertisers, some are just good enough to get paid by the consumer as well. Not that I like the idea of it, but that's the business model behind most apps,

@nahde: I can't help but wonder if one can truly maintain the same intensity of workout on an empty stomach. True, if the two groups are gauged to do the exact same exercise regardless of the state of fullness, then the morning group might have an edge. But in a non-controlled experiment situation (like normal

This would be a great plan if AA didn't suck so much @ss as they fly those lousy MD planes and have terrible on-flight service and worst arrival/departure on-time records. I hate AA!

I don't understand the allegation of "selling stolen goods", wouldn't Apple have more leg to stand on with an allegation of IP and tradeamark infringement for selling an Apple designed part, with authentic Apple logo without explicit consent from Apple. It can be easily proven that the part is identifical to official

@Dabamasha: Surprisingly, the all of one mentality is exactly the reason strict conformity is expected in communism.

@gizmodocon: Of course, one can not simply admire a feat of engineering outside US without being skeptical, gosh, what's the great wall compared to the world trade center, huh?

@Almightywhacko: Was there anything in the JackAss movie in the first place?

Law of average, all the faces look the same eventually, which is clearly the case here, they all could be cousins.

Why is everyone so hung up on the 3G/4G designation? Who cares what ITU thinks. It works and it's faster, call it "granny's little new scooter" for all I care, I just want it everywhere and soon! Give me a nationwide coverage with a minimum of 3mbps, you can call it anything you want.

@tedknaz: It makes the app useless because the value of the super computer is its ability to solve the original problem which allow for the reduced model. If every time I need to solve another problem that require a new model set, I will need to go back to the super computer, then it's no different than doing a mass

Welcome to the wonderful and unpredictable world of RF signal/antenna? I am surprised this unpredictable behavior associated with radio signal propagation is such a hard thing for a lot of people to understand, including super geeks.