
This is a feminist site? “Christine Ouzounian, former nanny to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s kids and to Affleck’s sexual needs”. I thought she was an adult woman not a sexual object.

Which one of the guys was supposed to be the hot one? Because they’re all giving off this very Josh Duggar-like vibe. Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew.

Female paedophilia is expected to be on the next level of public awareness... See work written by Estela Welldon ‘Mother, Madonna, Whore’ banned in feminist bookstores in the 80s/90s by people who refused to believe women were capable of this, or only did so under male grooming. Anna Motz has written more recently -

I think you’ve misunderstood why I included information about my hard science background; it’s not because I think liberal arts are dumb or easy, it’s because I wanted to put a stop to “law school is a stupid idea” replies before they happened. I’m sure highly educated people in the liberal arts worked really hard to

Wait I am confused. What does dating a 26 year old have to do with needing an emergency money fund? Is this a gay thing?

I disagree with this and think they would have zero problem with kicking him out. “The Customer Is Always Right’ is a long dead policy and is only ever quoted by disgruntled customers who are mostly wrong, usually pulling a scam.

Right. And how about “No. It was your birthday yesterday.” Go to another fucking Starbucks or take it up with our head office.

“If this were a male, he’s be UNDER the jail.” That just isn’t true. There are many, many instances of male rapists of underage girls not serving any prison time and it’s deeply disrespectful to those victims (as well as inaccurate) to ignore that fact. Here’s just one article for you to read and hopefully reconsider

But that the problem: for a lot of companies and many nanagers, rules go away as the customers volume increases.

Oh, honey. You are so, so, SO lucky to never had had that manager who would willingly flush you down a toilet to please an asshole customer who is throwing the right flavor of shitfit. Rules don’t matter. Manager’s word is law.

I’m going to go ahead and assume you’ve never worked a customer service job before.

The stores. If you’re getting free pancakes or coffee the store is losing out on that. The birthday thing is a fun treat, not a right. Actions like yours are what make stores stop offering these things.

You’re only supposed to get one. You’re scamming and you’re bizarrely proud of it?

I don’t understand why fans of people/shows/books etc. get so defensive of any critiques of their favourite person or art form. I made a comment on facebook about Bjork’s release of personal emails perhaps being viewed as a bit disconnected and I got attacked, like literally called all sorts of names and insults (this

Sadly they stopped publishing the print edition of Jane’s Fighting Douches in 2005 when it went online and behind a paywall. I mean I can see why, the last edition ran to 20 volumes and they still had to publish 4 supplements that year to cover all the new developments in douchebaggery.

Now I’m a bit worried that the barista is going to get some blowback on this. I mean they used a fake name, but if Starbucks can track down the jerkface customer, it’s a short hop to figure out who the server is. I’d rather not see them get fired because some corporate tool doesn’t like it when the wage slaves vent

It’s kind of interesting to see the contrast b/w the reactions to the sex on a show like GoT & on many people criticize Dunham’s nudity for being “gratuitous” & in the same breath praise GoT’s stuff as “realistic” & “gritty” (shaved medieval lady parts)

RICH white men in America.

White men in America.

Has any group in history had a more difficult struggle than white Christians in America?