I HATE people who use “defiantly” instead of “definitely.” It is my biggest wrong spelling/wrong word pet peeve. Get your act together!
I HATE people who use “defiantly” instead of “definitely.” It is my biggest wrong spelling/wrong word pet peeve. Get your act together!
And explain this to him:
Ladies: you don’t need to clean your vagina. They are self-cleaning.
You leave your partner at the hotel with the dog and get takeout. You get takeout and eat in the car. These are very simple solutions.
I used to be afraid of feet 15 years ago. I got over it. Thanks for bringing my phobia back, chum.
I think there’s some incentive to lie because women are often led to believe that men will only want to fuck us if we have pristine, tight, teenage pussies. If *gasp* something should change down there whether due to age or childbirth, well, golly, we’d be utterly worthless. It goes along with it being “gross” to…
I am so happy with my own decision to NEVER PUSH A HUMAN BEING OUT OF MY BODY EVER IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. I become more comfortable with it with each passing year and terrifying article.
not sure if my vagina will ever unclench after reading this
Yes! Her boyfriend and friends are SUCH ASSHOLES! Everytime I watch the scene in which she gives them expensive gifts and they play keep away with her phone knowing full well how difficult her boss is I want to punch them all in the face?! What type of high horse, moral superiority complex do they have?! It’s sad when…
I’ve always really liked her, but apparently she just has a personality that rubs people the wrong way. I must admit to the terrible defect of finding Jennifer Lawrence a bit wearing though, so I’m probably the antichrist.
She’s earnest and “tries too hard.” Which is...the world’s most cynical hipster complaint about a person.
As a curly-haired, glasses wearing lady, pass.
I know that I would probably be the same in her shoes, so maybe that’s why I don’t see it as an issue? Struggled (I’m still) with depression/anxiety, pretty well educated and perhaps hyper-aware of how she appears and perhaps that contributes to her ‘try-hard’ impression... or maybe I’m projecting :p You know that…
Seriously. I’ve never heard anyone offer a better explanation than “she tries too hard,” and that’s a lame reason.
I like her and don’t get it either. She seems perfectly amiable in any interview I’ve seen or read with her. It’s just Jezebel trying to be snarky for no reason, shrug.
All I remember of that film was that it was very EMOTIONAL and everyone screamed at each other a lot and it made my head hurt.
sorry, but the more publicly feminist the man, the more I expect this kind of shit
Re: the pizza place. I was just screamed at last week at full volume in front of the circulation desk (I’m a librarian) and I figured that most people around us were thinking, “Whoa! That woman sounds CRAZY. Hey kids, don’t ever act like that.” Never dreamed that someone would back up the lunatic and give the message…
Yeah I don’t see the point of this. So tawdry and cruel.
This is really unnecessary.