
He’s still needs to host SnL and do a psa for the incredible edible egg, then his husk can be cast away and his bodily fluids used to fuel someone's comeback.

Is this guy’s 15 minutes up yet? 

Bullshit. When Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland improv entire scenes as Iron Man and Spider-Man, they are considered sooper-geniuses.

This girl does it and she’s mocked by the mediocre.

If their writing sucks, it should be called out.

Two things can be true: the writing on Wednesday was not good, and also even mediocre writers don’t deserve to be treated like temp workers.

And let’s be real: it was the acting that saved Wednesday. The writing, the whole arc for the season, was warmed over Harry Potter with some token queerbaiting for topicality (I’m still angry at how they misuse the concept of conversion therapy in a subplot). What made it all tolerable was the cast - Ortega, Emma

What a bunch of thin-skinned babies. I support their cause, but the idea that the script for a Netflix Addams Family revival is so sacrosanct that the star should be shamed for altering it is stupid. Writers are important, but bad writing exists.

That seems like mean spirited punching down, the girl’s like 20 years old give me a break.

Just to point out the very obvious thing that this article completely sidesteps:

I’m confused as to why Amir messaging from his bedroom is an issue. Would his words be more credible if they were sent from his office?

“Amir in his bedroom in Cairo wrote to me to earnestly appeal that ‘Cleopatra was Greek!’ Oh, Lawd! Why would that be a good thing to you, Amir? You’re Egyptian.”

I think the difference here between plumbers and movie stars is several orders of magnitude of money and influence, and the fact that there are significantly fewer people attempting to become plumbers than become famous. For every Colin or Chet, there are literally thousands of people whose dream is access to the one

The whole “Nepo Baby” discourse around celebs strikes me as a distillation of American attitudes about everything: “There’s something that’s been happening for a long time in a very visible forum, and I don’t like it!...But don’t you dare apply the argument I’m making to anything about to my own life! Those

I’m not exactly sure why the media/internet hive mind has decided to focus on nepotism but huge numbers of people follow in the same field as their parents. The number of plumbers, electricians, home/septic inspectors, shop owners, attorneys, etc. that I know who got their start in the family business is huge. 

At the end of the day regardless of who your parent were it might get your foot in the door, and I am 100% sure it does. But if your terrible at the job, in this case acting, your not going to have much of a career. Colin has done pretty well in the acting game, meanwhile Chet has at BEST some minor forgetable role.

Plus, the whole household shares that subscription. Everyone has to buy their own ticket to see a movie in the theater.

Okay, but that $9.47 movie ticket offers two hours of entertainment. A $15 streaming subscription offers as many hours of entertainment as you want.

Sir, this is the internet. You are going to have to take your reasonable and measured opinion somewhere else. 

I never understood the group consensus that Chris Pratt represents some specific Evangelical evil. It sounds like his church operates that way at an organizational level, but HE strikes me as a kind of “apolitical centrist” type: complacent with his privilege (which certainly sucks, to be fair), but not actively

Remember when there was a lot of Very Serious Discourse about how Joker was going to be a horrifically incendiary movie that would inspire a legion of psychopathic incels to go on mayhem sprees, and then it turned out to be a pretty okay flick and nothing happened?