
it's like saying Marlon Brando played Jor-El for 30 years because they used some of his footage in Superman Returns. What's happened to this site profoundly depresses me.

Saying she’s played her Avatar character “longer” than Bale as Batman or Brosnan as Bond is deeply mislead and basically a meaningless “milestone”, considering there is going to be nearly 15 years between the first movie and its sequel.

It’s fine that you're not the biggest fan of the show, but it would be nice if you would offer some sort of criticism or rational for a ho-hum score instead of just recapping the episode. 

He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.