Santos L. Halper

The weight is always placed on the axels, bruh.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie showed off his athletic side...

“Nice to see him get from the beach here to the ballpark...”

This whole “attractive Buick” thing is really, really confusing.

I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the Model ARRR to get that feature.

I want 8 spokes (with handles), so I can feel like a sailor

What an ass.

I agree with you. It feels like an insurance scam or something. Why did they leave the windows down if it was parked outside?

My first thought was the dad probably cut off the wrong person.

The internet has made me cynical; something about this story just doesn’t seem right.

Poor baby was a bewilderedbeest.

Getting fired or laid off. It’s a crash course in proactivity vs. reactivity and collecting unemployment will really force you to create a budget. Not to mention it could also help steer you in the direction of a passion you’ve been putting off.

Oh give her a break, modern technology is really complex. I can’t even make heads or tails out of it sometimes.

because over the river is faster than through the woods

That old woman needs to change her ways.

Master Sterling is what he wishes his players would call him.