If I were he, my entire family would disown me for telling this story every 45 minutes.
If I were he, my entire family would disown me for telling this story every 45 minutes.
Only Philly would need elected officials who would actually make statements with actual reason in their response to dumpster-pools. Every other city would just go, “Gross.” and wait for the trend to stop after the participants succumb to leopidopteritis of the anal cavity, but Philly knows that no disease stops the…
I like reading the story in juxtaposition with the many once-taken-for-granted social services (public defender) completely gutted by their exorcist-governor and his ironic employment of voodoo economics.
Shilling? That involves money, right?
Man, if you’re scared I have no hope.
I didn’t say BMWs are shit. I said their engines were. Big difference.
that’ll buff out.
I see you one BMW engine, and raise you an Audi engine. (have owned both)
Cousins/Andrus ‘16
It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.
+1 for the image, -1 for mistakenly assuming that Brazil would ever use port-a-johns instead of piping that raw sewage straight into Guanabara Bay.
Getting on base and playing good defense is not how we want to win games around here.
“Gary Johnson!”
Lee told Cavitt Tuesday night that if the Braves deal is what led to his defeat, he wouldn’t change a thing.
The real question though is whether Carlos Danger will come out of retirement.
Looks like Michael Keaton finished all those cars in Gung Ho and went to Rio to help build Olympic housing.
“Not for hire” works until the trooper is standing at your window. 26k is the limit, no matter what you try to tell them. Just look at what happened a few months ago when a bunch of drag racers were all nailed for being over weight. They were ticketed because going to a race could earn them money, and earning money is…
For all his difficulties with his fellow players during his career, I’m finding post-retirement, post-American steroid freakout, post-return to baseball Barry Bonds to be a revelation. He offers legitimate insights into both player dynamics and the technical side of baseball elements, and genuinely seems to be…