
The Q Continuum asks him for advice.

Yes yes yes. I just hope this encourages grrm to write more pages.

Right? He put so much care and concern into how much the north looked out for itself for the last thousand years, primarily because of the Starks leadership, and all that history goes out the door overnight?

Lady Mormont allegedly has the letter in the books. The show is Hell bent on shitting all over that theory, however, so all bets are off. The way they are treating the north in the show, ***spoilers**** young Ned will find ser pounce’s dad at the tower of joy next week where lyanna makes him promise to change his

I’m so torn. Great episode, yet it puts the nail in the coffin of the Great Northern Conspiracy fan theory which was a personal favorite of mine.

Unless you’re Steven Segal in which case you can use a broom to hurt people.

Jurgy has been preaching this from his days with a young Germany squad in 2006. You don’t beat teams like Argentina by being shy. You go at them. You attack and you forget they are the better team. Its the only way to win/learn/take the next step. Bring them on!

These memes are the dankest of the ankest

This got me thinking about DC’s Kingdom Come.... Superman was old but he was stronger than ever due to him absorbing the sun’s goodness all those years. What if they did an inverse thing with Mom and Dad? I.E. Mom gets stretchier and stronger while Dad loses his mojo with age? Could add to the strained relationship

If we had politicians with spines they would ask for an equity stake in the team to provide funding for their stadium. Make that a stipulation of any public funding from now on and I guarantee that will be the final nail in the coffin of this kind of corporate welfare.

I mean, why not? Put some food trucks by the dugouts and have fun with it. But nooooo. The field condition or some such.

This is always something that has bothered me about publicly financed stadiums. If the tax payers are footing the bill, why are they only allowed in when the team is playing? Shouldnt it be open to beer leagues and the like at all times? BS I say!

Ha. Im not super sure if they are the lucky ones or the unlucky ones in all this. I mean, 1994. 1994 and we’re still not done. Maybe it just goes to show how awesome the books are. I’ve given up on so many things over that time span its amazing to me that people are still as invested today as they were when you were

I’ve never looked at the waiting from the angle of it giving us more time to digest the world. I like that perspective. Given all the waiting, GRRM’s sigil being the turtle is still painfully hilarious to me. Gets me everytime I see his hat!

This is a great post!

Reading this article makes me want to take my magic necklace off and age like vinegar in a warm bed somewhere.

“Laserbeak. Duh”

Ahh! Thanks for the clarification. So Tyrion knows about the wildfire. If someone were to tell him that it helps fight the wights then that just might be the trick to saving the realm.

I think so re it being magical. Would explain why it would work on the wights. I can see them going all braveheart with soaking a field in wildfire, letting the wights charge, and having Bronn ignite the field like he did at the blackwater!

Jaime joining the North would involve a SERIOUS come to Jesus moment. Something along the lines of him almost dying at the hands of a White Walker only to be saved by Jon Snow or some such.