
Its a thing, man. There is a reason they coined the phrase, "Aint no place to pee of Mardi Gras Day. Some schools along the routes will set up enormous banks of Pot o Golds and charge you either $1 a pee of $5 for an all you can pee pass. And, let me tell you, those will be the best $5 you ever spend in your life.

Now playing

There is a reason this song is so popular amongst the locals:

"I am your great white hunter for this trip though I happen to be black." Such an awesome line and his accent is so cool. I try to mimic this whenever my deer slaying buddies say they cant hang because they have to wake up early to kill Bambi. They never get the reference which always makes me sad.

Or the part where the three year old refuses to let the six month old sleep because he needs a playmate. "WAKE UP SISTER! I WANT TO PLAY!!" Ten minutes into what would have been a one hour nap so the six month old angel becomes a cranky beast child.

I'll be the envy of all my pals when I buy this and wear the golf course.

Not a single place from New Orleans on here. This list is bullshit.

Golly. The full Red Wedding one on Buzzfeed captures the brutality of that scene quite nicely.

Careful dude. What you're saying makes too much sense. Kinda like when Arkansas booted Blanche Lincoln out of office a few years ago. All she was doing at the time was chairing the Senate committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry as a US Senator from a state who's #1 industry is Agriculture. But yeah, its

Boredom on the way to Mars = Boredom on the way to The New World. The cure will be the same: Rum, Buggery, and The Lash. Or, yeah, tons of pre downloaded red tube clips and some EPIC Risk sessions.

You hit it on the head (at least from my point of view)! In New Orleans, we tend to turn "water" into "wata", just like in Boston with the whole Cahhhh (car) thing. Not sure one is right over the other, its just how folks speak.

Its just a thing in that type of Spanish. Its really prevalent in Buenos Aires too. Took me a while to get used to it.

Keep in mind too, a lot of the kerfuffle over the proposed terrorist attacks on Sochi emanated from the caucuses, which have historically been oppressed by Mother Russia due to their ethnic makeup. My statements here are a gross simplification of that particular problem but, overall, Russia is pretty terrible when it

So true. I once worked at a firm where everyone was salaried and everyone worked about 55-60 hours a week. Of course, you only got paid for the 40; no OT. However, if you wanted to peace out a little early for a ball game or a meeting in town every now and then the death stares I would get from my boss were unreal.

How is Russia not Second or in a 1a/1b situation with Germany? Guess ol Drew just glossed over the whole "Stalin's Execution Squads" portion of his Russian history class.

How late can you arrive to work and how early can you leave before you get reprimanded/fired for it?

wait for it, wait for it, Dante Streetclothes KILLED a guy and who signed him when he was eligible to play again? That's right, the Ravens.

Awesome! Thanks for the link!

I posted this same point elsewhere, but is it true we couldn't do this again if we wanted to? I remember reading that somewhere and its killing me that I cant find the article. My google-fu is weak today :(

No, but the concern is more on the manufacturing side, iirc. This thing was a beast and it took a lot of time, money, and people to make it happen. Again, I could totally be wrong but I just remember reading that somewhere.