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Wow you sound so tough!  You should be the one to beat him up, tough guy!

“Baseball needs robots to get every strike call EXACTLY CORRECT” —Deadspin

How on earth did you miss Hiroyuki Sanada as the boss who got his ass chopped by effectively an angsty samurai Wolverine in The Wolverine?

Leslie Jones, despite being the worst thing about the trailer, was ironically the best thing about Answer the Call. 

Hello, Mr. Lovitz. Didn't know you were on Disqus.

What if I told you...

And then there was Colin Quinn! Whenever you needed words mispronounced or a joke delivered as if it was completely unrehearsed (or even read in advance in any way), you could count on Colin.

She was possibly the least versatile cast member in SNL history.

One of those kids is probably his.

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant

I know where he is coming from, I got a charlie horse the other day, and despite the pain and my body screaming at me to stop, I kept at it and finished that bucket of chicken.

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

That brain could use a little salt and pepper.

As someone who really used to love WoW, I cant even imagine doing all that again...  

During the stoppage, Mokhtari asked the Nancy players to instruct the fans to stop.

Do you like it better when it releases on a Tuesday? I personally like games releasing on Friday so I can play a lot on the weekend

For one thing, Julia only actually appears in the final two episodes of the original anime series, though she is referenced a few times throughout (building her up into a figure of ominous importance to Spike)

no. don’t make this. please.

Guys! A disinterested contrarian! We got a disinterested contrarian here!!

It wouldn’t be the avclub if they didn’t shoehorn that into every context imaginable.