Copland was an actual good movie though.
Copland was an actual good movie though.
PS4 lifetime sales: 85.2 million. Xbox One lifetime sales: 39.6 million. All numbers according to VGChartz website. PS4 is out-selling Xbox One at a rate of nearly 3 to 1 globally.
It’s one of the best comedy sequels ever made, and it flummoxes me that it did so poorly at the box office when compared to the first one (which is not a bad film, just not a very good one). I re-watch Family Values every year and love every minute of it. It’s absolutely perfectly cast, and the chemistry between Gomez…
I have the controversial Ghostbusters ‘16 opinion: I thought it was merely ok. It had very entertaining parts and very lousy parts, and it was clearly hacked up in post-production. It was neither good enough to spawn a franchise nor bad enough to deserve the pre-release hatred it received.
Chicken broth on rice is fantastic, and a staple of many SE Asian countries.
Wreck-It Ralph deserved the Oscar over Brave, which was a total mess of a movie.
My 2014 PS4 (white Destiny edition) also started powering off during Doom battles...
Corporal punishment was still common in my school when I began attending Elementary School. It was 1987, so not *that* long ago all things considered.
I grew up in constant fear of my father. I saw him as impatient, angry, and explosive. He was a man to be feared. I was spanked a lot. I could expect a spanking for even the most minor of offenses. I did not like sharing anything with him, because of his impatience and how he would usually reach for the belt as a…
“Now they are outsourcing and reskinning games. I’m not sad, just disappointed and angry.”
Punisher War Zone is a truly amazing cinematic triumph.
I love the deleted scene of Superman talking to his dead father on a mountain. I found it deeply moving. I also love the scenes of Superman saving people. Affleck genuinely impressed me as Batman as well. Outside of that, the movie is a complete mess. There are definitely some good ideas in there, but they’re…
If I remember correctly, Bale was offered 50 million dollars to continue playing Batman, but he turned it down. I think he was just over it after three intense movies. Hemsworth has made similar threats to quit. It’s so hard on these guys’ bodies. Bale is pushing 50 at this point. Gordon-Levitt never quite became the…
Punisher War Zone is actually a good movie. I’ve had serious arguments about this over the past ten years. It’s an over the top mess, but Stevenson is awesome as Frank Castle, and it’s filled with very interesting supporting characters. Newman from Seinfeld as Microchip? It shouldn’t work AT ALL, but it does. Looney…
The Dark Knight is one of the few movies I ever saw a midnight screening of on opening night. I remember getting home at something like 4 am and being unable to sleep because what I witnessed on screen was so damn mesmerizing. It was an unbelievable experience and I’m not sure another comic book movie will ever be…
“We regret to inform you the third string, unknown QB is racist.”
Most Americans have about 1% Native American DNA. Elizabeth Warren may have LESS than that. Your argument is moot.
But she was lying about her family stories. She claimed that her parents faced racism by her own family due to her mother’s “native heritage.” That’s absolute nonsense. And she was listed as being the first Harvard Law “woman of color” in 1996, not when she was a youth or a student, but when she fucking worked at…
Correlation does not equal causation. You had bad luck.
And just when Marco Polo was getting really interesting... Season 2 was a huge improvement.