> You’ve kind of got to prepare for the hammer to come down.
> You’ve kind of got to prepare for the hammer to come down.
It’s a shame they never will since gradient movement(crawling rolling smooth positional shooting) make for prime mechanics for a game like pubg. Imagine laying down on your back in a tub, shotgun fixed at the door. Rolling under a car to protect yourself from incoming fire.
As a city to drive in, Tokyo isn’t the worst, but it is bad. London and L.A. were more chaotic and traffic in Tokyo…
Ugh, I felt the exact opposite. This is basically a series of short stories about Every MMO Ever Made. As someone who didn’t play the first one and is considering getting this on PC, it tells me nothing about the actual game of Destiny 2.
OK, glad for this to be confirmed. Noctis was obviously dead, but remember that the bros only had to fight the monsters until the crystal came back to life and drove away the darkness. They are more than capable of doing that for a few minutes.
When they compete, we win.
I am very excited about this overhaul, speaking as a Mercy main. Mostly because I found it just as disheartening as anyone else when she could erase someone else’s killer play that wiped out half or more of the enemy team.
Summary of my not-playtested-yet, purely-on-paper feelings: Good.
Something is better then nothing but I wouldn’t get your hopes too high. I’m not expecting them to hand out any real consequences unless there are big time repeat offenders. The amount of trolls who will abuse the report button will be sky high at launch.
Yes to use peoples perceptions of what ‘Early Access’ means in order to leverage it as an excuse for poor optimization and any bugs that do show up. Nothing about it at this point has anything to do with how finished a product it is.
“He should be banned just for the smugness at using an exploit.”
It’s also Early accessing to a lot of marketplace wallets even though it’s incomplete
This is just a microcosm of everything wrong with the Melee community.
So the Melee fighting community refuses to evolve and insists on being man children douche bags?