I don't want to see Tetsuya Nomura give Woody 200 buttons for his jacket!!!! And for some reason Buzz will have 100 zippers on his suit!!!
I don't want to see Tetsuya Nomura give Woody 200 buttons for his jacket!!!! And for some reason Buzz will have 100 zippers on his suit!!!
One problem with Obsidian is that all of their games so far have been unfinished buggy messes. Here's hoping their on budget and on time with this game. Since this seems to be their most linear RPG yet, bug testing should be easy... right?
Microsoft innovative? That'll be a first...
Cost won't be a matter to Microsoft and maybe not Sony. During launch Microsoft lost $200 on every 360 sold and Sony lost $300 on every PS3 sold.
Next year will be good. Anytime new consoles are shown it's a good e3. Unless it's a terrible reveal like the Wii-U.
But they were not dynamic. The animations didn't interact with what was happening around it. Like when you run into a wall in Uncharted or force throw 2 Storm Troopers into space or Shoot dive and crumple onto the floor in Max Payne. The animation changes with the situation and it looks beautiful.
I think this video was aimed more at Developers. The lighting and particle effects were very impressive in this video. Just look at that lava. Real-time effects have a had time animating anything liquid and that was some pretty damn impressive lava.
What if your 2007 360 DVD drive broke down on you?
What about Animation? One of the least impressive things about the Unreal Engine is it's animation system. It mainly uses canned animations. Sure it looks cool but once you start being in control of your character it doesn't look that cool anymore. Which I could see being unimportant to UE because it was originally…
I wonder how this runs on Southern Islands since that's what Sony and Microsoft are using for their next-gen GPUs. From every benchmark I've seen Radeon HD 7970 runs 10fps lower than GTX 680 in almost every game even though it has 1 GB of RAM more.
SE is not licensing it. Only Square-Enix, its internal studios and developers that getting games publish by Square-Enix may use it.
I don't think it would've been too late if Nvidia was willing to show prototypes. Remember that the Xenos GPU in the 360 was bascially a R600 prototype a year before ATI released the R600 to the public.
Yeah, it's mostly about the sticks and the triggers/shoulder buttons. Which is a problem with 360-style controllers cause the shoulder buttons don't really stand out. The RT/LT buttons are perfect but those bumpers could be improved on. Better than the Z buttons on the Wii/GC but not as good as the R1/L1 buttons on…
That's good to know that all of Square-Enix devs could use this. I wouldn't mind seeing the next Thief on this engine. The lighting and shadows look really impressive.
This was actually developed with the same engine for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. So basically it was made for regular Japanese phones from 4 years ago.
Knowing that the next-gen consoles are using Southern Islands, this makes me disappointed. I really wonder what Nvidia did to turn-off console manufacturers. You'd think Nvidia would try to court console manufacturers more with the failure to make in-roads in the mobile world.
Yeah, Vivendi seems to be offloading all the American media assets. I'm really surprised they're not trying to off load Universal Music, with the music industry slowly making less and less money.
I like symmetry so the Wii-U Pro controller interests me.