
So are they ever going to explain what happened to Red Skull? All we know is that he was teleported to wherever the Skrulls (or whatever they were) were. I was really expecting him to make a cameo in Avengers.

Try plucking feathers with your hands. When my grandfather lived with us (RIP Grandpa) he used to raise chickens in our backyard. I would have to help him pluck the feathers after the slaughter.

Yeah, I hope he makes another Snatcher/Policenauts type game. His two games with the best story telling.

Sounds like the Wii-U uses a similar CPU to the 360's, a much better GPU and 3 times the RAM. The leaked specs of Orbis and Durango are already much better than the Wii-U's.

If there's one thing Platinumtel Games gets right, it's the gameplay. Both trailers for dmc and MGR show pretty weak enemies. In all of the dmc trailers and gameplay videos I have not seen Dante hit once. At least with the MGR trailers, it shows that the enemies can parry.

Nor a Middle Eastern man and a Native American. But if we go all the way back we're all related.

Would Orbis be able to run this or Unreal Engine 4? The rumor specs seem kinda weak to run this. Hopefully Sony decides to upgrade the RAM to 4 GB and the GPU to AMD'S GPU that's coming out 2013, especially since Sony is going with AMD's mobile CPU.

Hopefully this turns out better than Crystal Tools which has only been used in Final Fantasy 13, 14, and 13-2.

But will I be able to scan for glands!!!!

Using that logic Eurasia and Africa should be one Super-continenet. But anyway you slice it Europe is not it's own continent.

America is two continents! If Europe is considered continent (scientifically it's not) than North and South America are separate continents (scientifically they are).

I'm really surprised Schilling didn't try to sell BHG before shutting it down. Wouldn't that make sense?

I'm surprised Microsoft isn't making this exclusive to Windows Phone and Windows 8.

My first thought when I saw this... 360 pad.... than I saw the face buttons!!!! Whoa.... at least Nintendo is symmetrical. This will make controlling shooters much easier.

He's doing what he loves: experiential films. Remember that at the time Star Wars was released it was an experimental film. Sci-fi hadn't been popular since the 50s and that was B-movie shit, heck special effect movies were all B-movie shit back than. Without Lucas there would probably be no blockbuster movies, all

Lucas has only direct 6 feature films. Alot of that stuff Lucas never directed, he just produced. He's really good at creating universes/producing just not directing.

Lucas never directed Indiana Jones, he's the co-creator, creates the story and producer.

Yeah, that and rebounding. Even if you boxout someone in 2k12 with a taller more athletic player the other guy still gets it. Sure I understand this happening sometimes but alot of times it would be called an over the back foul in the nba.

Tetsuya Nomura... of course his stories are nonsensical just like his fashion design. Zippers-Zippers-Zippers-Buttons!!!