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Uncharted has more control than CoD, also the only real gameplay seems to be when Lara shoots the guys.

If it's Alucard, who did Gabriel/Dracula have sex with?

That's Gabriel/Dracula. I'm guessing you're playing as him and destroying the forces of good?

I think the gameplay will be like Bayonetta. If there's one thing Platinum Games has done very well, it's gameplay.

Bayonetta with Raiden, that's what I'm expecting. Bayonetta>Ninja Gaiden

So this is basically a Metal Gear Rising + Bayonetta = Revengeance?

It won't because it only affects save files that are on the usb drive/hard-drive. Onlive saves are saved server-side.

Blame the director. The original director for Blackwater was one of the directors for the Pacific but at the last moment he had to bow out and was replaced by horror director Neil Marshall. You could really see his influence on the kills.

Afraid of fire, which I'm surprised the TV show didn't mention. In the books Tyrion has an internal monologue when The Hound leaves in which Tyrion knew he screwed up because he totally forgot about how The Hound got his burns. I really thought they would've externalized it by Tyrion telling Lancel, Podrick, or

Yeah, it would've broke the bank. Remember the whole season had a $70 million budget for 10 hours of Television. Compare that to something like Battleship which had $209 million budget for 2 hours of movie.

They're splitting "A Storm of Swords" into 2 seasons. So maybe Dany's fights will take place in season 3 and the battle for the wall will take place in season 4.

Well, from what we've heard Epic is trying to convince Sony and Microsoft to upgrade their next-gen consoles to better handle Unreal Engine 4. So that makes sense, that if the supposed specs of Orbis and Dingo can barely handle Unreal Engine 4, that means Wii-U wouldn't be able to.

This is your Nocturne sequel. Nocturne was titled SMT3: Nocturne in Japan.

I think it was probably taken by the girl's family.

I think the reason Activision dumped True Crime because they believed it could not become an annual or semi-annual franchise. Making a sandbox game annually is nearly impossible, especially if the location of the game changes every year. That's why the dropped games like Brutal Legend.

I remember playing this 13 years ago and never beating it because I could never get pass the 2nd disc. This coming from a guy who used to have fun with the all the codec conversations in MGS.

Everybody forgets that when Super Smash Bros (1999) came out when Nintendo was in the gaming industry for 22 years. While only being successful in the gaming industry for 18 years (when Donkey Kong was released).

Um... you do know that devs make about $10 per game? It varies depending on contracts, some devs like Epic, probably make more.

I think it includes the buns, toppings and dressing. Which if you think about it, makes sense. The average fast food patty is 4 oz. Most people usually get a burger with two patties like the Big Mac or a huge patty like all the stuff at Carl's Jr/Hardees. So if you add the buns, toppiings, and dressing it easily adds

She cut off their lower jaws. So how can they bite her?