
Wow! I guess the Rock has to do some more wrestling to advertise GI Joe.

It depends on the company. For example Steven Jobs made $1 as CEO of Apple but those bank CEOs made 10s of millions as base salaries yet their the ones that fucked up the economy.

Well, as the article states, the higher-ups at Activision wanted to put a cap on bonuses. So why not fire the guys and hire new guys with limits on bonus payments in their contracts.

They deserve that money! Modern Warfare is a $1 billion franchise. Activision fired them before they got their bonuses, so they aren't rich yet.

Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman would be way too obvious. I'm guessing either Flash or Green Lantern. If DC wants to cause some controversy there's always Superman, cause of the "truth, justice, and the American way" thing.

So this is how a videogame version of them would've looked!

If it's like the Gamecube the trigger buttons could provide L3/R3 function.

Blizzard had that one weekend stress test, which was supposed to test the servers. Unless Blizzard had low sales expectations (considering Diablo 3 was their most pre-ordered game, I'm guessing not), Blizz should've expected a large amount of servers would've been neeeded.

I guess that 7 months of beta testing didn't help?

Just look at all the shit that shows up on youtube, reddit, 4chan, etc. There's alot of people who just don't give a fuck and would do anything to be popular or get rich. Especially this generation everything is on social media, I thought Webb was updating Spider-Man to get with the times.

Oh god!!! Why are they taking his mask off so many times. That was my biggest problem with the Raimi films. There are two times we already know he gets his mask taken off in this movie, to make a little kid brave and when the cops capture him. Wouldn't the cops recognize him a little bit?

I'm guessing to avoid Black Ops 2.

"Big Fish" is based on the 1998 novel "Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions" by Daniel Wallace.

Hahah.. yeah... That's why I changed my comment to Edwards Scissorhands. But wow 22 years since he created something original. Even other directors who haven't directed something original adapt their style to the screenplay rather than adapting the screenplay to fit their style.

Am I the only person that prefers AA over AC? AC seems much easier with fewer predator/stealth parts. The indoors area seem less fleshed out than AA's. Example, the sewers in AA were very interesting to explore; the subway in AC is just blah. There's also a lesser Metroidvania feeling to AC compared to AA, where

I think it's just a generation thing. Almost every American male born in the 80s grew up with an NES, Genesis or SNES and with Fox/WB comic-book cartoons. So basically these rappers are basing things on their life experiences, like all good rappers.

Tim Burton hasn't directed anything original since Edwards Scissorhands. Out of the 18 movies he has directed, only 4 are original works. None in the past 22 years. His next movie Frankenweenie is a remake of one his old movies.

Tim Burton has not directed an original story since Mars Attacks! Out of the 18 movies he has directed only 5 have been original works. None of them in the past 15 years.

No. NBC's done this since they offered live streaming of the Olympics. So since the 2008 Olympics. So 3 years before Comcast bought NBC.

For the 2008 and 2010 Olympics almost every cable provider that had CNBC, MSNBC, Universal Sports, and Versus (OLN and now NBC Sports) had it. So if your cable company has those, it'll probably be included.