
No idea why, but I’m really loving your coverage of video game branded beauty products.

My husband has a congenital heart issue that can cause him to go into atrial fib (irregular heart beat) — a condition usually reserved for much older people. About 6 years ago, he underwent a procedure that fixed the issue and of course, his parents and I did the waiting room thing. They put him under, installed a

This is a story about me meeting my partner’s parents rather than the reverse, but I hope it still counts.

Dark Legend of Zelda: Prepare to Die Edition

Read it as Full Metal Furries, now there’s a mech game I didn’t know I wanted

This is how the game was explained to me by a friend.

Every time I’ve tried to slurp, I’ve caused a mess. Something about the way I do the deed causes the noodle to ‘flick’ as you get to the end of it, which inevitably causes little drips of broth to go everywhere... including the inevitable splatter on my glasses, which then requires me to stop eating and clean the

While you are following this could I interest you in a pre-order?

You may have been the Dreamcast of your time, but you’ve given me classics and fun time with friends.

Well now Snacktaku is cancelled forever, and it’s your fault.

I guess the check from Mexico will be coming in the mail any time now.

Presumably everyone at NOA will read this article, translate it to Japanese, and send it to NCL where they will all collectively say “yes! brilliant!” and make it all happen by March 3.

Man it’s fucking disheartening to see so many “We have no answer at this time” responses when this console hits shelves in less then 2 months.

I’m going to reference my profession, just once, to contextualize what I’m going to say next: I have spent the last decade as a professor of Literature (and Rhet/Comp, but whatevz).

I say that to say this: Final Fantasy XV is by turns a brilliant, revelatory, and absolutely necessary change in direction for a franchise