
Keep your advice out of my wallet Schreier! Sure I already have this exact game on my Wii channel from 2006 AND my 3DS, but how else will I be able to give Nintendo my money?!

I’m pretty sure Zelda will be delayed after Jason starts playing it.

boy, the japanese voice acting is good.

My wish list for tonight

First of all, quick semantic issue: reporters are not leakers. Reporters report on leaked information.

Hi, do you have a moment to talk about Titanfall 2?

Why the hell didn’t you say something before Xmas?! Why am I just finding out now?!

The stereotype that white people always carry ranch dressing around with them is not cool anymore. When you say ‘He’s already got his, that white boy over there’” don’t just fucking assume I’m carrying my own ranch dressing around with me you hurtful monster. I need it for my tenders and when you assume that I already

I have spreadsheets where he tracked his scores, playing through every leader and comparing the results. I have all these things, and I don’t know what to do with them.

Oh yeah? Well...I still use a Flame Body Talonflame to hatch eggs. Gone but not forgotten.

Can I have Jason’s book now please?

My favorite is when the chairs start moving in directions they aren’t supposed to move. My current seat leans in impossible directions.

I have nothing to contribute to this discussion other than to note that I initially read the headline as: What We Like (And Don’t Like) About Sleep. Needless to say, I was a little confused (and possibly sleep deprived).

Apparently I was the only person on Earth who didn’t see the William reveal coming. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I love you Jason, never leave Kotaku and never change.