
I don't know, still sounds like a "No True Scotsman" type situation. Whenever someone says "real" [whatever] are like [example] or do [such n such], it causes a facial twitch. Some people match those manufactured ideals whether on purpose or by chance, it doesn't mean they aren't legitimate. Picking a small subset

im not so much talkin about how they dress as much as the headline and first paragraph. I just thought it was funny it was at the top after reading the last thing

I think it's "real women" as in the opposite of "manufactured ideals of how women really should be." These are people with names and specific preferences and whatnot, as opposed to the typical fashion magazine aesthetic of "20 Things All Women Should Do for Approval, We Don't Care Who You Are." I mean, it's still

Does this mean that somewhere there are fake women who do not know how to flaunt their fabulous?

i just got done reading on jezebel how we are wrong to push pink on lil girls and blue on lil boys and these gender stereotypes are oldfashioned and should go away... i go back to the jezebel homepage and at the top

No. Firearms aren't allowed to felons in South Africa (same as in America). In fact as much as I get guff for apparently being a "gun nut" on Gawker, I'd rather America's firearms laws were closer to South Africa's than ours. There they require permits just to own them, here so long as you are 18 and not already a

Yeah, the wait between verdict and sentencing is normal, but I've never seen a two-part verdict reading like that before. Oh, South Africa, you so crazy.

I think that is pretty normal. Even in the US. Sentencing rarely happens the same day as the verdict. Lawyer Jezzies, is that correct?

This sarcastic tweet I just saw was spot on.

I'm assuming you're cool with 'black fraternities', though?

Ah, yes, because it's not like the schools that have banned their Greek systems, like Harvard or Princeton, have a problem with the sexual assault, drug use and binge drinking, or classism associated with white fraternities . . . oh, wait.

Presumably by suspending any of them that continue to host parties there or don't move out.

No chance. When has prohibition ever worked? Get 20,000 young, horny people together and they will party and fuck. A blackmarket of fraternities will arise. Outlawing fraternities just means you have absolutely no control over the situation.

While Beta is privately owned, it is program housing.

The majority of frats have national organizations. The local chapter at the school wasn't recognized by the school.

I know nothing of Greek life, but I assumed it's an official, national Frat, but just doesn't have an official chapter on Wesleyan's campus. They probably did at one time but lost it due to being raping ASS WIPES.

It is an official fraternity. The school, however, does not recognize it as such.

LOL at all the people on my news feed excusing this behavior, and saying the schools are being unfair for banning frats. My school just banned a frat for hazing and serving alcohol to minors. They're all shouting MISANDRY, completely forgetting that my school also banned two sororities, for the exact same reason. On

I'm confused - how does it have a national office if it's not an official fraternity?

I'm sure raping women is a challenge. Or not, because the poor woman is unconscious. Fuck all these people.