
Provocateurs against . . . what? Violence against themselves?

She is very brave and I applaud her but DAMN she has beautiful shiny hair.

The end of this movie HAUNTS MY DREAMS. Seriously, I love the movie so much but I will probably never get the terrible, gory image out of my head.

Or "clown'ed."

Second! Pedialite is such an obvious solution, it's weird to me that more (alcoholic) people don't use it.

I take microgestin too and I LOVE it! I have like 1.2 days of light period 4 times a year. Mr. Penguin and I are going to try for a kid soon, and even though I'm excited about the kid part, I am really dreading giving up the pill. Maybe I'll get pregnant on the first day?

Because I don't like condoms? Because I like regulating my period so I only have it four times a year?

I started using baby oil recently and it is ah-may-zing.

There is a thread above this talking about baby hairs being a hispanic thing. I'm real white and I have baby hairs. I like mine . . .


I guess that makes sense. And I'm not naive enough to think there aren't men and women who feign interest in someone as a person because they want to have sex with them. I just hate it when you think you're having a good conversation with someone only to find out they're faking it.

I only got to the second one (srsly, so long), but I'm sad if you legitimately only care about sex the first time (or few times?) you speak to someone of the opposite sex. Like . . . the first conversation you have with every woman is boring because, regardless of topic, you could give two shits about what she's

Yes! I was watching basketball recently and commented that NFL players are universally hotter than NBA players. Maybe this was not always true . . .

I feel her. I used to (1) be embarrassed that I was "too skinny" and (2) have a muffin top. AT THE SAME TIME. B/c my goddamn pants were too small.

WOAH WOAH WOAH. I didn't get out of bed this morning looking for a fight but I cannot believe I just found someone knocking the Yoop.

This is why I always carry a bowling pin in my purse.

I'm at the "I'm ready to have kids . . . oh god what am I doing? I'M RUINING MY LIFE" stage and I'm writing ALL of this down.

Haha, I'm sorry. I have no vested interest in this conversation but I'm a dick and I couldn't help it. I'm also a loser so I'm STILL high fiving myself for the joke, 6 minutes later. "Good one, bro!"

Maybe you're like a McRib, and your ribs are actually made out of barbecued meat. That would explain it.

When I was an awkward teenage girl I used to sit in my bedroom, looking at pictures of headless, handless mannequins, and lament my stupid, gross head and hands. Oh how desperately I wanted to be beautifully headless and handless like those beautiful mannequins!