
If you become so terrified during a VERBAL argument that you need to pull your gun out and point it at someone then you’re mentally unstable and should forfeit your right to every owning a gun legally again

I thought the whole, ‘move to Spain on a lark to avoid living like spoiled Americans’ bit was going to take the cake, no matter what came next. But honestly, I don’t think I can ever move past this line:

This is why ignorance persists. Because it’s not content unless it’s shouting to the rafters! Don’t listen to life or medical advice from no stupid-ass, uneducated muhfukka whose only marginal talent was one fucking rap song! He is not some Texas plains erudite philosopher! He ain’t leading a double-life as a

A sworn officer of the law, lying to his boss the duly elected Mayor, is infinitely worse than a private citizen lying about a crime.

To quote the formerly unflappable Jay-Z

...made racially charged remarks to a parent

I know.  Also, they made Nicole a bit of a hot mess, which I get is supposed to be a growing-type character, but I needed someone who could make good decisions.  That’s why I was down for her sister.

Name checks out.

You have never sounded older or whiter, my friend.

I am very salty the casting of Dion and his mother.

Kardashian’s hand in Johnson’s release is great. This ad still came across as a very cynical use of activism/empowerment politics for what is ultimately a brand that helps put money in Kim Kardashian’s pocket.

And guess what. None of it matters because football in the larger scheme of things, don’t matter. Having a minute number of blacks getting rich from sports virtually have no impact on black community as a whole. As a culture, we would benefit more by focusing on turning out engineers, scientists, doctors, educators,

She might want to worry about her own house and how her black actors are being treated first before throwing stones.

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

Omg, if they’re doing all this for, at worse, filing a false police report and having the charges dropped, just imagine all the consternation and trouble this city would go through if a sworn officer of the law, an actual beacon of law and order, did something as heinous as, say filing a false police report, and not

No. They have always been like that. Rebecca put everything down for Jack and those kids and when she tried to get a little bit of hers, remember he had that tantrum.  Kate, running around behind/working for Kevin and Beth always coddling/saying yes to Randall.   There is some SERIOUS male entitlement in the Pearson

Shit like that nonsense Randall pulled on the phone is one reason why the divorce rate is over 50% and why some folk die alone.

Oh, she needed a running start to plant both of her feet in his ass. Randall...WHAT???!!! The Pearson brothers were a special kind of stupid last night. How are you going to FIX YOUR FACE to talk about HAVING KIDS when we’re in couples counseling, you were drinking in the hospital , LYING about it and you are FOUR

The problem is, I’m only interested in dicks that are erect. A limp dick might as well be a big toe, as far I’m concerned.