
Also, let’s talk Maria, because she deserves her own separate post. She’s a kickass, veteran zombie killer that’s the nominal second in command. She’s Brad Pitt to George Clooney. She’s the trusted confidante, the sister-in-arms that fought through hell to get out of Vegas with Scott. And she... gets killed like a

*Other WTF moments before I got bored*

I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. The lack of subtlety in the commentary on materialism and immigration felt like it was more in keeping with Romero than the last couple of movies Romero did himself. The king zombie seemed like a fairly natural evolution of “Big Daddy” from Land of the Dead. And since I

I think you’re being hyperbolic; the only advice I’m really seeing in this article are some way to protect plants...hardly waging war.

Congratulations. You managed to hijack the majority of this comment section with a (weird ass) discussion that has nothing to do with the actual issues presented in the article. Well done. 

“Yeah, there’s pervasive sexism and racism in the writer’s room, but who cares? Look at this old photo from a different show of an actor flipping the bird!!!”

I don’t get the issue here, he plays Superman, he’s not Superman, who cares? 

No, he’s the Winter Soldier dummy, where do you think all the snow keeps coming from?

Immediately afterward, Barbara wishes to be just like Diana but Diana all but forgets Barbara exists because Steve shows up in the body of another man

Omar is the goat. That is all. 

voting isnt fun. waiting in lines isnt fun. doing that to get what you want isnt fun. doing that, and not getting what you want isnt fun.

i have shade-watch questions: 

Shit like this is why black men are going to be a problem this election season. All the Markey Bros lost their shit when he showed up with $300 Nike’s but Kamala steps off a plane in Cons and Timberlands and “fake woke” lose their minds. Yeah I guess Bernie sporting a Ghetto blaster and a chicken leg was wholesome

Quellcrist Falconer forever

Daveed Diggs is fucking brilliant.  I’m #teamBurr, but Diggs just steals every scene he’s in.

Daveed Diggs is just fucking amazing in that show. Both his Lafayette and Jefferson are so charismatic, and his raps and flows are majestic. But yeah, I was always big on Satisfied (having only listened to the cast album) but seeing her do it in the filmed version makes it even more powerful.

I saw Soo in the short-lived Amelie musical - her first role after leaving Hamilton. World-class voice. So-so actor. The awful adaptation of the movie didn’t help her cause either.

It’s Theater Kids Rap (tm) that Miranda excels at, which will never fail to make a theater full of white Theater Kids loses their minds.

Having seen the movie, I’ve gone from “Well yeah, sure Renee, Leslie and Daveed won Tony Awards” to “(all the way from London?) DAMN!”.

I hope that Ms. Newton gets the justice and the healing that she deserves. Absolutely abominable behavior in the entertainment arts worlds (and others).