
What he’s saying is that these women should have just told their stories in a blind item instead of naming names, because you wouldn’t want to force people to actually confront the fact that they are fans of a piece of shit.

I think about Kylie Jenner being with Tyga at age 14 and no one in her family did a damn thing to stop it. Like if those with money and privilege aren’t safe, how in the hell do those girls without money and fame stand a chance? It’s all so normalized in the entertainment industry and the fashion industry's obsession

My strong opinion on LaToya is that her latest album slaps and she and Latavia were right. #Justice4LaToyaandLatavia 


I mean, there is already someone in the grey’s saying that uplifting black women means replicating oppressive colonist systems so....

The black ones.

Thank you. What also bothers me is that a generation of black women are possibly operating under the premise that it’s better not to report because the police might shoot them, rather than the idea their safety has more value than these black males and their abhorrent and criminal behavior.

Argument by dictionary is lame, bro. Definitions are, ultimately, social constructs.

“TLDR: Female, know your place and keep quiet.”

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

Next time (I hope there’s not a next time), can you politely suggest the cops hassle the person who called the police for false report?

We were so young back then...

To be fair to Hirsch, he did this back in 2015, when we didn’t know it was wrong to choke a woman out at a party and never apologize for it. Is it fair to judge historical figures by present-day standards?

Cold Weather Flo-Rida cuts really deep for me. Damn that’s harsh. I swear the real victims in this battle are everyone catching strays. In that way, it’s pretty similar to real war.

Obviously a white guy wrote that message. Sheesh. As if we would ever say “nigger cock” to another black person.

You might be too delicate and sensitive a creature for the internet. Here, we express our opinions and people tell us they’re trash. If you feel attacked for people disagreeeing with you, silence is always an option.

That guilty conscience is gonna catch up to you Uncle Rush. You always say something along the lines of “it’s not a big deal” and “nobody’s perfect” in every one of these comment sections to the point that a stranger on the internet has noticed.

You weren’t actually obligated to say that