
It amazes me that I am somehow nearest too one of 10 theaters chosen out of all the theatres.

None of what you said equals the asshole discovering shit much in the same way that I specifically referenced the shitty teacher’s response as to one of the reasons I believe the 9 yr-old so... basically I don’t even know why you wasted your time writing that stupid shit.

Never say never.

You do realize that obvious fact changes literally nothing about this discussion, right?

Fanfuckingtastic. You have made me think of both J. Holiday and Rob Schneider in the same day.

Your original comment could definitely be something I could back in other circumstances.


This is the company that gave Rob Schneider his own show. Multiple seasons.

That is still what is being taught in my nieces’ schools. I also see textbooks posted regularly with the same ish.

I just couldn’t remember if this comment section allowed it. I just remember back in the day we couldn’t swear in the VSB comment section.

I usually am very happy to use that language. lol

Are you even black anymore if you haven’t been accused of hating white people in 2018?

You weren’t overthinking anything and that cop was an arsehole.

I see everybody congratulating y’all and giving you props (all very much deserved) but let me just say... you’re welcome. :)

I learned to play spades in my delinquent years (around 18-20) but we’re more Dominoes folks in the PNW so I never really got to play after that and have since forgotten how to play. I’ll murder you in bones though and that’s good enough for me.

I am not questioning anyone’s blackness if that’s what you’re implying. I am simply saying I think it’s ridiculous folkst couldn’t tell MM is black but never having that same problem with a person who looks like an older version of her.

Apologies if that isn’t your intention, but I don’t think that changes my statement at all. She still has extremely similar skin tone to MM and honestly she could believably play an aged version of MM if she so chose.

I’ve been super confused by this as well, especially considering everybody knows Kamala Harris is black and their tones are basically the same.

What about if\when you want to complain about politics without Amazon possibly recording you and the new secret police using it against you one day. I know you can get Google home to do listening by choice but even then you have to use your hand to turn it back on. I can’t get Alexa to stop listening by voice at all.

The first few months of waiting for moviepass to get their ish together was painful. It’s amazing now.

I guess we can all stop wondering because MM absolutely does identify as black so the whole “she doesn’t identify as such” is incorrect.