
Oh great, it’s an extended version of that f*cking Heineken ad that all of my co-workers loved so much.

This week has been wonderful as far as TV goes. The Crisis event on the CW’s DC universe was not perfect, but it was damn close for me. It was hilarious but it also had me tearing up with a white father/black son combo (close enough) but little did I know what I was about to watch.

Some background that some of you may

It’s not possible for any two people to have the exact same experiences but the fact that white (and black) people are up in arms about her engagement tells me her experiences of racism not only exist (regardless of whether they are different than yours or not) but might be more persistent.

But I’m not here to talk

Being mixed race or identifying as mixed race literally means you identify as more than one race. It doesn’t mean you identify as some new made up race that is called “mixed”.

But again, because Raven Symone saying her ass isn’t black doesn’t make it so.  

I don’t even understand the question about biracial. It’s

You will get no argument from me there, but Dean Winchester is still the superior Winchester.

Nah, read again.

I identify as MIXED. I ALSO identify as BLACK. Not one or the other. They are NOT mutually exclusive and they are both TRUTH. Also, you completely ignored my extremely valid point about Rachel whatsherface but ok.

As a mixed person, few things piss me off more than the discussion of whether my being mixed means I’m not black. Tell that to the couple of dozen of people who have called me n*gger. Tell that to everyone who takes even the slightest hint of displeasure as “attitude”. So on and so forth.

I’m mixed. I identify as mixed. I’m also blackity black. I also identify as black..

Either way, it’s not up to us to decide that because she is ACCURATELY pointing out that she is in fact mixed, that she isn’t black. Raven Symone can identify as not African-American but we all still call her black.

I mean, if we all

I was looking for you too! For about 10 minutes before I got distracted. I saw no light-skinned bald heads though.

That’s crazy to me because Google is typically spot on for me here in the same area.

Right?!? Then it makes me even madder because I tried it and they pulled a Mutombo blocking me.

I’ve used both and prefer Google Play. Like someone else said, the app has obvious and what should be easily fixable (I’m in tech) flaws, but my own library, YouTube Red, better at playlists and suggestions, etc.

That last one hits home. It’s something I never noticed before White Tuesday and I swear since it was brought to my attention, it happens all the time. I’m referring specifically to the assumption that’s I’m the one that needs to move in situations like that have become so obvious and now I don’t move either.

4. Completely lacking in enough self-awareness to realize that theirlove of the Confederate flag is more of a disrespect then these protests

I’d respond but Damon already said it... any answer but those that account for white feelings toward black and brown fills is a side dish... including this one.

I really don’t understand why you bringing in Dan, when there’s plenty of us here already.

The people who overreacted to that title are the flip-side of the coin to people who voted for Trump based on nothing but their hatred of people of color. They did so while ignoring all logic and reasoning, just because they were butthurt at being told they have white privilege.

Same sh*t.

Like I don’t see anybody

Or you’re one of the countless innocent people accused of a crime, and God forbid one of the many, many innocent people convicted of crimes.

I pay for Netflix for myself, 2 friends and 2 siblings (and their 4 kids). One day we’ll have a conflict but it’s worked ok so far. I pay for Hulu for myself and one friend. I share my cable (with HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz) with my brother and 2 friends. Before I stopped watching I was sharing my WWE Network

This should work for all music services.