Near. She was likely covering the companies ass in case of a law suit. Like with that Canadian DJ’s case where some of the women had talked before the trial and then didn’t disclose that.
Near. She was likely covering the companies ass in case of a law suit. Like with that Canadian DJ’s case where some of the women had talked before the trial and then didn’t disclose that.
As soon as HR didn’t do anything the first time, she could have spoken to a lawyer.
HR is NEVER, EVER your friend. Go in there with a strategy!
No. There’s no legal requirement I’m aware of to first contact your company’s HR department in a workplace dispute. There’s no reason you couldn’t go to HR after you take the matter to your lawyer, but honestly, I have to imagine any legal mind worth their salt would advise against it. Again, HR is there to protect…
I believe you 10000000%. Worked for a high tech outfit for a year, the men were beyond disgusting, the more of them were hired. We went from a well-balanced team to a dude-heavy frat house. Highlights included being told what “girls” are not good at, how one of us should wear more makeup, play-by-plays of Tinder…
Tech is inclusive of both types. White men and Asian men.
Girl. Same.
In my experience, HR people are incompetent and mean. This story totally backs that up. In addition, why is tech so terrible for women? (Rhetorical question.) You would think by now the industry would have its act somewhat together.
Are you ugly? Because I am, and I’ve worked in a bio lab where I was ignored constantly, too. It was kind of great because I could get shit done.
I know it’s said almost every time, but it bares repeating. HR is not there to defend you, it’s there to defend the company. If you have grounds to do so like Susan did, catalog evidence and take it to a lawyer.
I must have been really lucky when I worked in high tech. I just got ignored, and that was bad enough. It’s possible some of the men on my team were afraid of me. (I do believe you. I’m just wondering why I never saw any of this. Better company? Or something about me.)
From her blog post: I tried to escalate the situation but got nowhere with either HR or with my own management chain (who continued to insist that they had given him a stern-talking to and didn’t want to ruin his career over his “first offense”).
As a woman FORMERLY in STEM, before all the neckbeards screaming misandry! and fake! come rolling in, I’m going to come right right out and say that her account sounds eerily similar to my own forced exodus from a fortune 200, and to things I heard from close friends/co workers. We were all sexually or racially…
THis story is awful. I am incredibly sympathetic to her situation.
Is this a microcosm of the entire nature of Silicone Valley? I take tech to be an inclusive profession, capable of handling diverse groups of people working together. But then this stuff comes out and it leaves me scratching my head.
It’s so bad. She spells out the sexist manager’s logic in the full blog. Apparently he got a discount by buying the mens’ jackets in bulk, and from this fact he drew the conclusion that buying the jackets for the women would be unfair to the men because he would have to spend more money on the women then on the men,…
I suggest people read her blog all the way through. Even this write-up is underplaying how bad it apparently was. For instance, she was also threatened that she would be fired for reporting her manager to HR for the jacket incident, and when she complained that this was illegal, they essentially shrugged and did…
HR did their job perfectly: you didn’t sue.
Uber just keeps on affirming my decision to delete their app months ago when one of their drivers nearly killed us on the highway and another tore down a one way street head into oncoming traffic. All we received were measley form letters.