
That’s *EXACTLY* how i felt when i found that Huffpo article the other day, k_fizz!!!

My sister just found out that she has placenta previa, and that’s where my mind went. This poor lady has grounds for one hell of a lawsuit.

I was HORRIFIED when i read it yesterday, because in the other versions they explained that she already HAD a previous pregnancythat ended in an abruption and emergency c-section!😨

My county has recently paid out a few millions due to several wrongful death suits due to inmates who die due to mistreatment while in custody, so I would say yes.

Labor/delivery/postpartum nurse at a birthing center, here. Bleeding at any time during pregnancy absolutely requires immediate midwifery or medical attention! It isn’t necessarily a dangerous situation, but only a qualified professional can make that call. The fact that she went 5 days from bleeding to delivery

UPDATE: (2:50 EST) Just called this number — the mailbox is not yet full! Remind the guy that he is gonna lose his job, and that a bunch of other people are going to lose their jobs, too. Scumbag!

Call this guy. Call him now. Are the Sheriffs in Michigan appointed or elected? Judges? We need to make an example of these guys, and any politicians who don’t fire them immediately.

Don’t forget to back up and question why she was kept for 5 days with no medical attention for the heinous crime of driving with a suspended license... and then jailed an additional 5 days after she popped the kid out. That is insane.

And considering that she was 8 months pregnant; what is the judge doing sending an 8 month pregnant woman to jail for such a petty reason anyways?

Yes! This is the main issue i have. Why the hell was she stuck in jail for such a bullcrap charge. They should have ROR’d her, especially being that heavily pregnant.

Betcha that sheriff and a good bunch of his deputies are pro-”life”.

His denial really says it all. “I take zero responsibility for my actions, but because I’m in authority I’m sure I’m right and she’s wrong. She, on the other hand, needs to be punished severely for the terrible society-warping crime of driving without a license, which is way worse than denying medical care to a

I got jail time for violating probation because I tested positive for marijuana. I was at fault, but the taxpayers got to foot the bill of my three day jail stay; so bizarre and ridiculous.

Oh I’m sure they’ll all take some time out of their valuable “waving bloody fetus posters at passerby” schedule to help this actual living breathing human woman and baby.

“Because the police do not give a shit about people who are not police.”

Because the police do not give a shit about people who are not police.

Outside of scheduled c-sections, no one really knows precisely when a baby will be born. That’s why doctors educate pregnant women about the various signs of labor and tell them which signals should direct them to the hospital.

Tony Wickersham phone:

Macomb County Jail isn’t a stranger to this crap. An inmate died there from drug withdrawal back in 2015. And then there’s this case.

We apparently live in bizarro world where people end up in jail with 10k bonds for *driving on a suspended license*.

Seriously, she had no business being there. Impound the car if she’s a dangerous driver, stick an ankle monitor on her, whatever, but jail? FFS. What a waste of money.