Sandy Kay

My guess is that she has to use a special bathroom (probably a single stall one or maybe one in the teachers’ lounge) that is probably not close enough for an active shooter drill.

Thank you for yelling in print because I’m at work and can’t yell. This is absolutely ridiculous. Putting aside the idea that schools now need active shooter drills because the GOP sold itself out to the NRA, during an actual active shooter incident they shouldn’t be sorting kids out by gender but getting them into

From the pictures, Emma Watson makes a great Meg. I’d have pegged Saoirse Ronan more as Amy than Jo but we’ll see. Emma Watson would have made a good Jo as well. Timothee Chalumet seems young for Laurie. Susan Sarandon goes from Marmee to Aunt March.

Why? Why would any police department want to hire him? He is a liability claim waiting to happen. When (not if) he does this again, the new police department will have been on notice that he is trigger happy and they will pay dearly.

I don’t know why I was surprised when I read the letters from women who were supportive of this guy and his attempt to kickstart his redemption story, but it still hit me. Just like it hit me when women commented on Facebook about how unfairly Kavanaugh was being treated when women are allowed to make claims without

I just want to shake every one of those women in the picture and tell them that being good little girls and going along with the patriarchy doesn’t mean the GOP men won’t turn on them in a heartbeat.

Those two girls are so precious.  The tapping on each other’s shoulders just slayed me. And the unicorn tee. 

In addition to all the other reasons given, Trump sees the world in terms of win/lose. If he has to pull Kavanaugh, he loses and the Democrats (and women) win. That is unacceptable in his worldview. If the Senate doesn’t confirm Kavanaugh, he can blame the loss on them, specifically on any GOP Senator who doesn’t vote

I’m confused. It says she came in fifth. How is that the next closest runner up? What happened to the #2-4 candidates?

I’m guessing she didn’t have a receipt and didn’t pay for the original earnings with plastic (or that H&M can’t look past purchases that way). Because if she DID have a receipt or the employee looked it up from her plastic and they STILL stopped her like that, they should be in a world of hurt.

I actually don’t think they care that he lied, but they should care about the optics of confirming him with all those lies uninvestigated — or proven to be lies. The police report is hard to dispute but they will try to paint all his former friends who talk about him as a drunk as Democrat pawns.

1 of 6 women has been raped or experienced attempted rape. A very very small number of men have been falsely accused of it. Only an idiot (or a guy who has engaged in bad behavior toward women) would be more worried about his sons than his daughters. Junior Mint probably satisfies both categories.

I’m going to preface this by saying I am a white girl who isn’t into Kanye, so my opinion counts for zip. But what was the deal with the bottle costumes? I couldn’t figure out the song because I was so distracted by the costumes.

You need to add the Greek chorus of Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley faces. It was a disgusting display. And I’m white so I should be used to seeing those faces on white men.

I only see the E as well.  

All the stars. Those faces were scary and awful.

Hugs to you. I remember in 7th grade, someone who identified himself as the most popular boy in my class — and a jock of course - called and (purportedly) invited me to a dance. I wasn’t allowed to date and said so (and was also suspicious this was a setup as he had never shown any interest in me & I was not one of

“Fine is a subtle acknowledgment of imbalance and of injustice. It smooths over rough edges and creates comfort. That demand is uniquely gendered. Women are expected to make things comfortable, processing their trauma by making it palatable for a group of powerful white men who so easily brush off claims of sexual

I’m so disappointed. I had hoped that no running for reelection would give him some courage. But he talked about the presumption of innocence -- which does not apply to a job interview!

Kavanaugh is lying out of his ass. The GOP senators know he is lying and they don’t care.  Lindsey Graham wants a vote to abolish separate sovereignty (though I don’t understand why except to protect Trump) and they all want his vote to overturn Roe. I am so disgusted.