College Football > Rape and a Man.
"If anyone needed to go to police, it was McQueary.
All the best,
Come on, Pottery Barn Kids! Where's the Death Star area rug?!?
I thought the same, but maybe (hopefully) it's just a bad trailer.
The road to the Super Bowl is long and pointless. I mean, when you think about it.
"In my country there is problem"...
Indeed! I've been shouting that observation with indignant nerd rage for almost 2 decades, now.
Then head on over to Telemundo for the coming-of-age classic: Y Tu Mamá el sofá También.
Make mine Marvel.
Stay tuned for an all new episode of: My Mother The Couch.
What a f@cking mess.
Per usual, if it ain't broke, break it.
Well, we still have this...
"Justin Blackmon Hopes To Play With Drew Brees Or Aaron Rodgers"
All I need to know is the Rupert Murdoch supports SOPA & PIPA.
That was the intent. Just a harmless joke... that, oddly, upset a few folks.
This is what Madeline DIDN'T Do: