The Summer of George

She meant Summer "2000-and-never", that is, because if you're not in shape now, and you're hoping an app will un-fat you, it's already too late.

I have a Facebook email address?

Gamera is really neat

480p. The future is now.

Looks like the smoking/non-smoking option is making a comeback.

Privacy from who?

What a piece of junk!

You bet your ass "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"!

Debabelizer and Deluxe Paint.

Just what I need; another "reminder of how much I miss the original Mario and Atari days"... because I'm an old guy.

I always liked how this photo was apparently taken at Space JC Penney.

As far as I'm concerned, mosquitos can suck it.

Jesus, that phone number's not quite as blurred-out on as you might think.

Now playing

Here's my all time favorite. Not a tearjerker but the ending is quite simply as epic as it gets.

Shut up, MiG.

"Sokath, his eyes uncovered!"


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