The Summer of George

Wait... did the Giants lose yesterday?

That 100%-legal, helmet-to-helmet hit never happens without a bogus passing interference call on the previous 3rd down play.

Gammie's gettin' upset!!

Wait... What? An article about how a video game was vaguely involved in saving a life instead of brutally taking it?

Take THAT, Bob Ross!

"This before and after animated GIF shows the before and after."

"Education, FUCK YEAH!!"

If only they served Popsicles at the last supper.

Did you not read my original post above?

Thanks for the link. It's close. Really close. But the gear-snob in me is pouting over the lack of Bluetooth and the minimalist snob in me is pouting over the aesthetic-destroying solar panel.

I like the Magic Trackpad and all but when will someone... ANYONE come up with a Bluetooth, aluminum 10-key pad to accompany the Mac's Bluetooth keyboard or, better yet, a full-sized aluminum, Bluetooth keyboard with built-in 10-key pad?


Because fewer touchdowns is just what the NFL needs.

How do I reach these KEEEEEEEDS?!?!?!

"Colt McCoy Doesn't Remember The End Of Last Night’s Game."

Unrelated to the above post; what's going on with the all-black layout? I LOVE it! Is this just for the "Gizmodo Gallery"?

You're damned right it filmed "Star Wars"! No self-respecting nerd (virgin) refers to this film as "A New Hope" or "Episode IV".

No BMO? The cutest robot game system of all time?