
@Devante: I still havent finished FF12 either, and I've spent over 100 hours on it... Catch up!

I hope she sets up a customer service hotline stat. I'd like to file a complaint. The sun's only providing light for about 6 hours per day up here in Sweden. Its not functioning properly. Could someone get on that please and provide a new replacement sun. I believe its still under warranty.

I don't know about you, but this made me want to go off and play a Final Fantasy game. BBL!

If bacteria are the new computer storage devices, does that make antibiotics the new computer viruses?

@golemnist: Hahahahaaa! Also, Let's not forget the risk of alien invasion.

"90% of all typhoons originate in the Federated States of Micronesia" !!! What kind of evil research lab are they operating over there??

Now playing

@dkl415: And we all know how Buffy would handle a sparkling vampire-wannabe

I love my home country. When in doubt, just drink!

@akacrash: Thats the first thing that came to my mind too...

Right, cause number 2 was such a cinematic master piece. Kill it! Kill it with fire! It's the only way to be sure.

"but new work on ancient minerals has revealed a..."

Disney's The Fox and The Hound is one of the first movies I remember seeing in the cinema as a child. And it scared the crap out of me. The evil hunter was evil and the big bear. *shudder*

Wow, just wow. Mark Sheppard is brilliant, Doctor Who is brilliant. Mark Sheppard + Doctor Who = so much brilliant the world might implode.

Dammit. Hope I can get a refund on my tickets.

@WillDenham: This has happened before and it will happen again.

This is what we should have gotten instead of those silly prequels. Someone please tell Lucas to turn force unleashed into a movie and cast Sam Witwer.

@Hamslicer: I was just thinking that! Wonder if ols fossils where van goth found his inspiration?