@Bugoongu: And what a beautiful face it is! *swoons*
@Bugoongu: And what a beautiful face it is! *swoons*
@vanderkolk.andi: *shudder* I saw the pilot of US-remake of Coupling. If IT Crowd was even half as bad... *shudder*
Where Sam Witwer goes, I shall follow. Even to an American remake of a brilliant British show. Syfy better not mess this one up!
@vanderkolk.andi: There was a US IT-crowd? When was that? Or was it such a miserable failure that it's only spoken of in dark alleys and seedy back rooms? Scary thought.
I'm a girl. And a gamer. And this makes my ears bleed.
@birdmocker: wow. I think I'm gonna have nightmares about that for the rest of my life now.
@Coillscath: no universal remotes in sonic screw driver format at think geek. But they have a timey wimey flash light and a wibbly wobbly pen thing.
@Coillscath: cool! Thanks for the tip about ThinkGeek. Must check it out immediately.
@mac_daddy: Nnnoooo! I used to love godzooky as a little kid. Yes I admit it! *hangs head in shame*
@Elpon: The Hoff should have his own cartoon. He's certainly very comical.
If only this was a universal remote instead. How *brilliant* would that be??
If only this was a universal remote instead. How brilliant would that be?
@Time Pilot AKA: Shiny! Or not.
@Vundal: I don't think they will either. But I just had to put it out there. Just in case.
Dear True Blood.
@sans_fi: Love it!
@psybab: Scandinavian winters are actual quite mild. Stockholm and Helsinki have maybe 4 weeks of snow. Except this year. This year winter was a bitch. Normally The other 5 months are just wet, cold and miserable. Id go to Australia I think. Love the country.
@Booshit: you're not the only one confused. Couldn't figure out if this was an expansion or a separate game.
@Limeade: Anyone remember back in season 1 when Jason had a single little vile of V and had to go see doc because he got so "excited" he almost burst? Shouldn't Sookie and Tara have exploded or something from all that V??
@kaspi: Ohhhhh... his name is Joe Lee... that makes so much more sense Jolene... Yes, I've been having a blond moment all season it seems.