
My grandma's cousin was 11 years old when her teacher impregnanted her. It's the family's biggest open secret that she's our uncle's real mom. My uncle is my dad's best friend from childhood (he introduced him to mom). My uncle, the baby in question, and my dad have NO idea. Everyone else is like, yup, it is known. He

I'm so fucking over hearing about beautiful babies. I'm tired of people using babies as a silver lining to dismiss a traumatic event. I'm tired of the emotional manipulation to convince people that terminating pregnancy is tantamount to KILLING A BABY.

I know all you guys already know this, but it bears repeating. the vast majority of terminations that take place after 20 weeks are due to severe medical issues. Most women aren't just fucking around for 5 months making up their minds. The anatomy scan ultrasound that can determine whether the fetus is healthy, or

I see Elizabeth not so much an anti-vaxxer but a hand-wringing, pearl-clutching, indecisive mess: "Oh, I just don't know!! Jess said she read this thing on Facebook about vaccines causing autism, but Todd says they are perfectly safe, and I just don't know what to do!"

I used to think that when I was a kid - I got very confused by the cover conflicting with the descriptions like the artist NEVER EVEN READ IT. That's defo Mary-Anne on the front cover of the first book. That was early in the series and I remember being very WTF about it, or as WTF as an 8 year old can be in 1992.

I disagree about Lydia Wickham. Her children would be raised by the internet while she played Farmville or obsessed about who slighted her on Twitter.

Makeup has nothing to do with having crappy skin, and this is backed up by science. I've had acne my whole life and have tried everything—literally, everything—and I still get breakouts. The only thing that ever helped was Accuntane, and that was for my cystic acne, which is strongly genetic and nothing short of the

I'm just glad the let her hair be glorious

Riddle me this...

I've experimented with wearing it and not wearing it, both at the workplace and socializing. I get treated better when I wear makeup, plain and simple. Well-groomed and wearing make-up, people treat me neutrally, like a woman who's plain but respects herself and is at least with the program somewhat. No makeup,

It's not really cheating unless you think that every picture that doesn't look like it was taken with a crappy camera and no lighting is "cheating".

By saying "her life is ruined," you're sending a really negative and dangerous message to any other girl who has been in a situation like this. "Your boyfriend filmed you without your consent? LIFE RUINED! He didn't wear a condom? LIFE EVEN MORE RUINED!"

Why stop there? Let's deregulate all healthcare and do away with oversight. Hell, I always wanted to be a plastic surgeon. I should be able to hang a shingle outside my house and perform cosmetic surgery on whomever I want. This is 'Merica and no government is going to impede on my freedom.

This has to be ironic. She has a suppressed anonymous sex tape while his life is literally ruined.

I see what you are saying. And I am not in any way saying that the excuse for the dude is that "boys will be boys" or that the making of the video was the teen woman's "fault." But there is a lot of premeditation in this act of vengeance, down to the difficulty of procuring the materials and isolating the victim for

Well this thread will certainly be grist for the "all feminists are misandrists who are okay with violence against men" MRA mill.

It actually bothers me that I am not bothered by the retribution. Because I know its wrong. It is always wrong. I will not condone what this girl did. But I am not outraged by it either. And that is not a good thing. I have been so jaded by the countless acts of sexual violence towards women and the lack of justice

Can we dispense with the girl got revenge on her douchy bf LOLOLOLOLOL?? She threw ACID on another human being. She essentially performed genital mutilation. He will be be handicapped for the rest of his entire god damn LIFE. It is never ok to act so casually about something like this. If it was a story about a man

I'm a little surprised by all the "I'm okay with this" comments. Yeah, obviously the guy is criminal and she deserves justice, but... permanently maiming him in a horrifying way? Which, in all likelihood, this will result in a shortened lifespan for him too? I don't condone this anymore than a woman who got acid

You know who washed his hands? Pontius Pilate, that's who!