Words words words words Better off Ted words words words wait...
Dammit, you beat me to it.
Bobby, I love you.
That really puts this into perspective.
The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.
I can’t ever be mad at Logan Echoll’s mom. It helps that I don’t know anything else about her.
Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.
I’m just here to high five this article. And you!
I never found monogamy hard.
My Hot Topic-shopping disaffected teen was born in China and orphaned there. I’m guessing that every disaffected teen in the world would shop at Hot Topic if given the chance!
If it’s any consolation, I do believe plenty of planned for pregnancies also turn into disaffected teens who shop at Hot Topic.
NOOOOOOOO! Stay away!! It’s terrible here! No one wants to live in Seattle! Simply terrible! Horrid!
I found it so adorable! And sat under my plaid blanket going “lookit the young’uns and their pep!” GOD SO OLD.
So, watching the clip, I decided to face the fact I’m no longer young. And middleaged is stretching it. S’okay.
Counterpoint: My mom had an abortion before I was born, without which my two sisters and I wouldn’t exist.
I didn’t read this because I’m not caught up yet, but I just watched the episode where Janet and Jason get married and the use of Digital Getdown is maybe my favorite television moment of the past year and I needed to share that with someone.