Sandra Dee

What are you talking about? He looks amazing! He sells it.

Maybe “Heavy Boobs” getting cut was the price they paid for finally getting Period Sex on the air. 

I was also there that night. Was disappointed they cut “No One Else Is Singing My Song,” which was a really fun opening. 

Also Father Brah’s face being like “girl, no”.

He probably did get a happy ending but Rebecca doesn’t care so we didn’t hear about it.

Paula being able to see the fantasy stage was perfect. I legit started tearing up. It’s a show not just about the importance of understanding yourself, but of being understood by the people around you. Rebecca slowly learns how to do that for others, and is rewarded by that being reciprocated in the most grandious way

Now playing

Have you seen this video of Titus literally singing Ursula??? I vote for him.

I didn’t know him personally (but, like a lot of us felt like I did) so every reminder has me like DAMMIT ANTHONY!

I can only wear hard lenses, and I have some pretty fucked up stories, but this...this is the stuff of nightmares. 

I still need to catch up on stuff, but very curious about Banana Fish ‘cause in my head the manga is so very 80s and curious how faithful the adaptation will be.

She better.

As someone that is 5'2" (and strangely, was discussing short person woes with my coworkers this morning)...

We all know that Sandra is the star of the show, people.

When the credits rolled and “I’m a Good Person” started playing, I actually started shouting at my TV because that was really the best song they could end it on (that perfect match of being thematically great and jarringly bouncy and fun) and I was mad I didn’t see it coming.

The cat song was the hardest I’d laughed at any song this season...until about a minute later when the Trent theme song happened.

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.

It’s Branson’s Biggest night with Shoji Tabuchi, Yakov Smirnoff and ‘N Sync’s Justin Timberland!

I thought you just gave a glib fuck-you RIP to Chunk and then I found out that you weren’t talking about the fat kid from The Goonies

“jumping out of windows”

Wait...are both Becky 1 and Becky 2 involved in this?