So funny, because we call our baby “our drunk roommate”
So funny, because we call our baby “our drunk roommate”
I’m here for the baby photos - don’t let me down commenters! Let the irony FLOW through you!
You know the sex thing is interesting. I mean hopefully we’re all having great sex, but it is true that with how easy it is to access porn these days so many people are getting what they think sex is from that. From generally unrealistic, sanitized images. which in many cases perpetuate some stupid ass shit for both…
Awww, he was so sweet. I love the ep with his screen printed high school wrestling uniform pajamas.
I don’t agree there’s really any situation where cutting a 13 year old girl’s hair against her will is reasonable. That’s a major violation of someone’s bodily integrity.
Singles is GREAT. Dated, but v. good. Fantastic soundtrack if you like that kind of stuff.
Unhealthy Malnourished Holocaust Skeleton
One hundred thousand.
Freecycle for the win! I joined my area freecycle group, and all I do is put something on the list. A couple of hours later, it’s gone. Funny, the one thing nobody wants is our old, big, clunky color TV. So I guess it’ll go to the bottom of the driveway with a “free” sign, like Kelter Skelter says, below.
Karim Rashid suggests asking yourself if you want the thing or the space it occupies. I like space.
I’ll put stuff like that on the curb in front of my house with a “free” sign. Usually it gets picked up within the hour. If not, the garbage men pick it up on trash day (can’t remember anything that has lasted that long, though.)
I loved the book SO much, it was such a pleasure to read. I was sad when I came to the end of it, because reading it made me feel more peaceful.
Getting rid of stuff feels therapeutic to me and always has. Creating empty spaces in my life leaves room for good things to enter, and taking a trash bag full of junk to the curb feels like I’m throwing out negativity. Hate all you want, but I love this shit.
I bought the book but I can’t find it.
Okay so this is kind of the opposite...I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and was very happily moving on with my life and seeing other men. About 3 months after we had broken up, I found out he had gotten a woman pregnant and she was about 3 months or so along. I was obviously a little outraged, but I thought it…
I met my husband through my ex, as we were all part of a group of friends in college. This isn’t a skeevy thing where I dumped my ex for my husband. I actually got dumped by the ex (who was my fiance at the time) and he actually suggested my husband and I hook up, because he thought since we were both overweight, we’d…
I don’t know about him, but I totally flipped when my ex got engaged to a mutual friend of ours. I went to a bar and ended up drinking with red neck comedian Ron White that night.
I really feel like it depends on the ex. I personally would like to think he lives in another state or is not in connection with anyone I currently know. There is always the hopeful thought that he is incarcerated, because, well he should be. The rest are so far back I doubt they would care, or if they found out they…
It’s amazing to me how Huckabee doesn’t realize that he’s describing himself as a man who thinks nothing of violating women’s trust and privacy for his own sexual gratification.