Sandra Dee

Ah, tweens. Never stop being little raging psychopaths. I promise you the hormones will even out eventually.

I have witnessed many things divide the readership of this community apart (the scarred carcasses that scattered the horizon during the Team Dog vs. Team Cat Wars still haunt my memory) but nothing has ever torn people apart more than Gone Girl.

Episode 8 was so good I watched it over again the next night. However, the eps previous to that were just okay.

Spoiler: Olivia is back on that island

I hate everyone on this show except for Papa Pope and Mellie. Everyone else are whiney little bitch babies!


Yes Mr. Huckabee, we noticed she's black too

Then we wouldn't have the Colosseum.

Now playing

Further proof of baby rock-n-roll realness:

It is amazing how many people miss that 500 days of Summer is a critique of treating women like Manic Pixie Dream Girls. Tom loves her as an idea, not as a person, and that's why it all falls apart.

OK! It's not quite a Tyler Durden thing, but my theory is that we see the real Summer pretty much only 2 times in the movie; in the "how it really happened" section of the split screen when Joe goes to her party and at the very end in the park. Every other scene in the movie is a memory of Joe's and unreliable in

That's really the perfect age to win. You don't have to worry about blowing everything or bad investments. Have a blast, then croak.

HEY THATS MY GRANDPA. that they didn't even know they had...

Kat, you've liked everything I've ever posted....I'm either flattered, or suspicious ;)

Just for 24 hours, in honor of this post, I cordially request all the star button recommendations on Kinja be changed to that adorable vagina face. (And that's not a sentence I will write again in a hurry).

I want to give you all the vaginas, all of them.

Now playing

Apologies in advance, but the first thing that came to mind was

You could just do it the old school way and get naughty on webcam. Give viewers a link to your Amazon wishlist and watch the packages come rolling in. That's how I got my microwave.